Tonight is yet another magical night of the Holiday season. It is New Year's Eve. For the past few days friends of mine have been posting about setting New Year's Eve resolutions. And to that I say Bah! Humbug!
Yes you read that right! How many people actually set New Years resolutions and stick to them? The percentage of it is quite low. Rather than setting resolutions, I like to make New Years intentions!
Tonight instead of going out to celebrate with friends, I chose to stay in. I had a lovely day, spent it in my p.j.'s and surfing the net/facebook, and watching some TV and a movie. At about 10:30pm I turned off most of the lights in my apartment, and lit the candles. I even lit them in the bathroom. I decided to do a ritual for the New Year for my intentions. I had an amazing hot shower by candle light. Just washed me with lavender body wash. I also while in the shower dunked myself seven times. It is said that to cleanse your spirit/soul to dunk in water seven times. This washes away all negative energy and brings your soul back to having a clean slate. It was interesting as on the 30th I also went to the spa and did a body scrub treatment. It was lovely, it was like scrubbing away all the dead skin and energy from 2010 so I can enter 2011 with baby soft skin, and a clear energy.
After the shower, I applied lotion to my skin, I took my time and really pressed the lotion into me, like pressing love into my skin.
Coming into my living room, I have 4 coloured tea light holders, one green, one yellow, one red, and one blue. One by one I lit those candles speaking words of welcome to each of the four directions and Goddesses. Green for the North Earth Goddesses (Artimes), yellow for the East Air Goddesses (Rhinanna), red for the South Fire Goddesses (Pele), and blue for the West Water Goddesses (Oya). I also have a purple candle in the middle for the Great Mother Goddess (Gaia). I set my intentions for the New Year. I thanked the Goddesses for their elemental power.
Finally I rose from kneeling at my candles and danced to the music I had playing, no words in the music, just lots of different sounds/music. I felt the power rise up in me I felt the energy rise from within. I grounded my intentions into my dance. It was nothing special the dance, just moving my body they way it felt like in the moment, to moment, to moment. Sacred body movement I like to call it.
With the last 15min of 2010 as I sit here, I am grateful for all the abundance in my life. I thank you those who support Awakening Goddess. I feel all the love and support from others. And I thank you. May the New Year be the best that you can make it. For everyone is wealthy, abundant, loved, and amazing!
Thank you and see you all in 2011!!
A blog devoted to inspire women to be fully who they are and embrace their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
In the Mirror
A day or two ago, I was getting ready for a Christmas/Birthday party at a friends house. I had just finished doing my make-up and took a step back and looked at myself in the mirror. I thought to myself that I looked pretty hot all done up. And then I said it out loud to myself. I look hot! It was an interesting experience. I've never done that before.
How often do you do that? Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you look amazing, or beautiful, or HOT!?
It's apart of the self love, self care that I know I have to consciously practice. To put the "editor" or "itty bitty shitty committee" away, and give it another job. Women around the world struggle with this issue, letting their inner editor/saboteur control how they feel. Well I say NO MORE!!! Women, we are beautiful, no matter our age, skin type or what we look like in the mirror. Our lights are radiant, we should let our light shine. Who cares what that inner editor or itty bitty shitty committee says to us.
I came across a song not too long ago by Katy Perry called "Firework". The words in that song are pretty amazing! In her song, she sings about letting the light shine from with in, and letting the firework inside you come out, and show others what you can do, and own the night. That the energy of a firework has always been inside you, and it's time to let it out, to let the colours burst, and shoot across the sky like a firework! Find the video below of the song.
This song speaks to me right now, not being afraid to shine my light, to explode my firework inside me. Doing what I love, I have a quote that says: "Let what you do, be what you love!" I love being an inspiration to others. Especially women, inspiring them to be fully who they are. Even ad mist all the curve balls that life may throw at us. It just means we are growing. I invite you to my website, I've made a few small changes over the past few weeks. If you haven't been there in a while.
Let us all let our firework out and let the colours burst across the sky! What a wonderful sight that would be!
How often do you do that? Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you look amazing, or beautiful, or HOT!?
It's apart of the self love, self care that I know I have to consciously practice. To put the "editor" or "itty bitty shitty committee" away, and give it another job. Women around the world struggle with this issue, letting their inner editor/saboteur control how they feel. Well I say NO MORE!!! Women, we are beautiful, no matter our age, skin type or what we look like in the mirror. Our lights are radiant, we should let our light shine. Who cares what that inner editor or itty bitty shitty committee says to us.
I came across a song not too long ago by Katy Perry called "Firework". The words in that song are pretty amazing! In her song, she sings about letting the light shine from with in, and letting the firework inside you come out, and show others what you can do, and own the night. That the energy of a firework has always been inside you, and it's time to let it out, to let the colours burst, and shoot across the sky like a firework! Find the video below of the song.
This song speaks to me right now, not being afraid to shine my light, to explode my firework inside me. Doing what I love, I have a quote that says: "Let what you do, be what you love!" I love being an inspiration to others. Especially women, inspiring them to be fully who they are. Even ad mist all the curve balls that life may throw at us. It just means we are growing. I invite you to my website, I've made a few small changes over the past few weeks. If you haven't been there in a while.
Let us all let our firework out and let the colours burst across the sky! What a wonderful sight that would be!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thank you for laying me off!
An interesting thought came into my mind just a minute ago, and I found it quite interesting. Maybe an idea for a book?? The thought is: Thank you for laying me off! Above you will see myself in two different pictures, the top one I'm with the amazing Jodi, and the second one I'm with the amazing Bonnie, they are from Green Learning Academy.
In April of 2008, I was working at the amazing school of Green Learning Academy a private school that prides itself on teaching your child how to think, not what to think.
I worked there for the first 3/4 of the school year, then due to budget reasons the school had to either lay off 3 of their aide's for the class rooms or shut the doors to the school. And of course the school chose to lay off three of us. It was a sad day for all involved.
I cried, yelled (later in my car) and was very sad. I loved working for the school, my co-workers and supervisors were all amazing.
However as time passed, I've come to the realization that being laid off from Green Learning Academy was the best thing that could have happened for me.
I've worked at a couple of different jobs, with two different agencies. One was strictly a before/after school care. And then for the past year and a half, I've been with Metis Calgary Family Services. For the first year I was apart of the day care staff, and then in July of this year, I became apart of the Aboriginal Parent Link team. This switch has been wonderful. I now help families who are in need of provisions such as diapers, formula for their babies.
I've also had amazing opportunities within work to attend some great seminars, workshops, and have had valuable time with a few of the Elders in the community. I am also the representative for our organization at the Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network. It's been great connecting with other agencies who work with families/individuals who are affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Away from work "life" I've continued to dance, and am apart of the Sizzle Girls performing our show pieces at different events. I continue to grow and expand my dance experience every day.
This past summer I took a huge leap and officially started my own business Awakening Goddess! Women appear to be interested in the business and I've had a great growing opportunities and networking opportunities with in it. Such as being apart of the Women Embracing Brilliance event, being on a blog talk Internet radio show, and doing mini sessions of Awakening Goddess for friends.
I thank everyone for the support and thank you to the Green Learning Academy for laying me off! It's been a great gift in my life!
In April of 2008, I was working at the amazing school of Green Learning Academy a private school that prides itself on teaching your child how to think, not what to think.
I worked there for the first 3/4 of the school year, then due to budget reasons the school had to either lay off 3 of their aide's for the class rooms or shut the doors to the school. And of course the school chose to lay off three of us. It was a sad day for all involved.
I cried, yelled (later in my car) and was very sad. I loved working for the school, my co-workers and supervisors were all amazing.
However as time passed, I've come to the realization that being laid off from Green Learning Academy was the best thing that could have happened for me.
I've worked at a couple of different jobs, with two different agencies. One was strictly a before/after school care. And then for the past year and a half, I've been with Metis Calgary Family Services. For the first year I was apart of the day care staff, and then in July of this year, I became apart of the Aboriginal Parent Link team. This switch has been wonderful. I now help families who are in need of provisions such as diapers, formula for their babies.
I've also had amazing opportunities within work to attend some great seminars, workshops, and have had valuable time with a few of the Elders in the community. I am also the representative for our organization at the Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network. It's been great connecting with other agencies who work with families/individuals who are affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Away from work "life" I've continued to dance, and am apart of the Sizzle Girls performing our show pieces at different events. I continue to grow and expand my dance experience every day.
This past summer I took a huge leap and officially started my own business Awakening Goddess! Women appear to be interested in the business and I've had a great growing opportunities and networking opportunities with in it. Such as being apart of the Women Embracing Brilliance event, being on a blog talk Internet radio show, and doing mini sessions of Awakening Goddess for friends.
I thank everyone for the support and thank you to the Green Learning Academy for laying me off! It's been a great gift in my life!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Let it in!
So yet again I've not written in a few weeks, life has been keeping me very busy. And with the holiday season upon us, things are going to become even more busier!
About a week ago, I was feeling really low and reached out for help from others. As well as others reached out to me. One beautiful Goddess called me one night and we had a great talk. She called me out on some stuff that I do and maybe don't see or recognize that I am doing it. We also talked about some things that I have been working on to keep growing and peeling away the layers of the lotus flower to be even more fully awakened.
For example, one of them is a combination of asking for help in all areas of my life and also letting others help me. Letting it in. I am a pretty independent girl, I live on my own, take care of things myself. I see myself as a strong woman, and I find it difficult to ask for help from others. It to me feels vulnerable and weak to ask for help.
This theme has come up a few times in the month of November. I was at a friends house in BC and we were talking about this exact issue and she held me too it. Meaning, that when even as something as simple as asking my friend to pass me my drink because I couldn't reach it.
My friend on the phone earlier this week and I talked about letting the help in as well. She's inviting me/challenging me to drop my shell and let others help me. As well to go along with this is to let the love of others in, my friends/family do love me, I just need to let their love in. To remember that it's not weak asking for help. It takes courage to ask for help.
Another thing we talked about was letting others get close to me. This one I've been working on for a long time. I can remember even in high school around 15yrs old doing something for swimming and learning a spinal precaution for a swimmer who has a neck injury. You have to get your body/face really close to the swimmer who needs help. I can remember my instructor saying to me "Aime, get closer to them." So this has been an on going shell with me. My friend on the phone suggested that perhaps it's coming from a past life of mine.
Last night I was at a social dance learning an East Coast swing dance. I became aware/noticed that I was struggling to let the guys into my bubble to dance, to dance you need to let the guy be close to you. I just breathed and was aware of it.
So I want to encourage everyone to not be afraid to ask for help, and then to let the help in from others. I know it's something I continue to work on.
About a week ago, I was feeling really low and reached out for help from others. As well as others reached out to me. One beautiful Goddess called me one night and we had a great talk. She called me out on some stuff that I do and maybe don't see or recognize that I am doing it. We also talked about some things that I have been working on to keep growing and peeling away the layers of the lotus flower to be even more fully awakened.
For example, one of them is a combination of asking for help in all areas of my life and also letting others help me. Letting it in. I am a pretty independent girl, I live on my own, take care of things myself. I see myself as a strong woman, and I find it difficult to ask for help from others. It to me feels vulnerable and weak to ask for help.
This theme has come up a few times in the month of November. I was at a friends house in BC and we were talking about this exact issue and she held me too it. Meaning, that when even as something as simple as asking my friend to pass me my drink because I couldn't reach it.
My friend on the phone earlier this week and I talked about letting the help in as well. She's inviting me/challenging me to drop my shell and let others help me. As well to go along with this is to let the love of others in, my friends/family do love me, I just need to let their love in. To remember that it's not weak asking for help. It takes courage to ask for help.
Another thing we talked about was letting others get close to me. This one I've been working on for a long time. I can remember even in high school around 15yrs old doing something for swimming and learning a spinal precaution for a swimmer who has a neck injury. You have to get your body/face really close to the swimmer who needs help. I can remember my instructor saying to me "Aime, get closer to them." So this has been an on going shell with me. My friend on the phone suggested that perhaps it's coming from a past life of mine.
Last night I was at a social dance learning an East Coast swing dance. I became aware/noticed that I was struggling to let the guys into my bubble to dance, to dance you need to let the guy be close to you. I just breathed and was aware of it.
So I want to encourage everyone to not be afraid to ask for help, and then to let the help in from others. I know it's something I continue to work on.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
deep feminine practice
Okay, so I've not written in a long while, but life keeps turning and turning.....and I am learning and practicing to surrender. Much has happened since I last wrote.
I attended a Groovy Goddess Sleep Over Weekend at the start of Nov. What an interesting weekend that was. Letting myself be held and physically loved by my Goddess Sisters was a very healing experience for me. Cried my eyes out that weekend, but it was a cleansing cry that took place.
Also attended Get It On this past weekend, a course offered by the Get A Life Organization. Again I was practicing surrendering to the feminine and masculine. As a single/available woman I was asked to make a list of the qualities that I'm looking for in my man that I am attracting into my life. That part was easy. Then we were asked to make a list of the reciprocal of that of wish we want to attract. So a few things that I put on my list were I want my man to have strength, (and I don't just mean physical strength, but also emotional, and mental as well), have direction, have purpose. So what do I have to do/be in order to attract that into my life? I came up with surrender and trust! The two other women that I was working with in creating our lists also suggested that I need to ask for help and receive it as well.
Very interesting......I ask for help at work when I don't understand something. But I don't very often ask for help when not at work. It takes a lot of courage for me to do so. I expressed that to a few others a couple of days ago. A Goddess who was listening on the phone call said that I can call her. It was wonderful to hear that from her.
Another thing we spoke about on the phone was what we as Goddesses can do to drop into our feminine more. We agreed to get up and dance for about 10min each morning, to music that doesn't have words. It'll be a good practice to get into my body each morning and move it.
Tonight I came home from work, and had a hot wonderful shower by candle light, I also lit many other candles around my living room, have been listening to calming music tonight as I sit and get creative! I also indulged in some chocolate mint tea, and some chocolates made by Lindt! Very tasty!!
So Sister, I invite and encourage you to do something to bring out your feminine each day. Be gentle with yourself if you don't. Just take it one step at a time!
I attended a Groovy Goddess Sleep Over Weekend at the start of Nov. What an interesting weekend that was. Letting myself be held and physically loved by my Goddess Sisters was a very healing experience for me. Cried my eyes out that weekend, but it was a cleansing cry that took place.
Also attended Get It On this past weekend, a course offered by the Get A Life Organization. Again I was practicing surrendering to the feminine and masculine. As a single/available woman I was asked to make a list of the qualities that I'm looking for in my man that I am attracting into my life. That part was easy. Then we were asked to make a list of the reciprocal of that of wish we want to attract. So a few things that I put on my list were I want my man to have strength, (and I don't just mean physical strength, but also emotional, and mental as well), have direction, have purpose. So what do I have to do/be in order to attract that into my life? I came up with surrender and trust! The two other women that I was working with in creating our lists also suggested that I need to ask for help and receive it as well.
Very interesting......I ask for help at work when I don't understand something. But I don't very often ask for help when not at work. It takes a lot of courage for me to do so. I expressed that to a few others a couple of days ago. A Goddess who was listening on the phone call said that I can call her. It was wonderful to hear that from her.
Another thing we spoke about on the phone was what we as Goddesses can do to drop into our feminine more. We agreed to get up and dance for about 10min each morning, to music that doesn't have words. It'll be a good practice to get into my body each morning and move it.
Tonight I came home from work, and had a hot wonderful shower by candle light, I also lit many other candles around my living room, have been listening to calming music tonight as I sit and get creative! I also indulged in some chocolate mint tea, and some chocolates made by Lindt! Very tasty!!
So Sister, I invite and encourage you to do something to bring out your feminine each day. Be gentle with yourself if you don't. Just take it one step at a time!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What does it mean to be wealthy? Does it mean lots of money? Does it mean to spend lots of money?
To me wealthy means lots of things. Yes partly wealthy mean to have money and be able to spend it. But more importantly being wealthy means to live in abundance in all areas of life. I am feeling so abundant right now. I have many wonderful friends that are amazing. I have a great family who I love. And I have a fun job that I enjoy!
I am grateful for all the abundance in my life right now. I feel so wealthy! I live in a great area of the city I live in. I am close to great little shops and this fabulous tea house where I am sitting. Enjoying a great chocolate mint tea! I'm on my second pot of tea! It's wonderful! I feel so amazing. And the lady who works here just went and filled my pot again! Wow!!
I feel abundant in my work place too, I have many different things I do at work, and I also have times to be creative, making posters and bulletin boards!
I feel abundant because of the amazing friends I have here in Calgary and across the country and world! I have friends who I can call at 3am for support. Friends that love me for me, and can see past all my shells or masks that I can wear. I can celebrate with them, cry with them, and just be me with them.
I love my family as well! My Mum and Dad are great. And my Sister is amazing! My little nephew is just a joy, and my brother in law is so supportive of Aren!
I am wealthy because I am healthy! I have no major illnesses to speak of at this moment, and that is a very good thing!
Where in your life do you see yourself wealthy? And if it's not in every area of your life why not?? You are wealthy!
Find below a little movie that I found on you-tube. All about abundance!
To me wealthy means lots of things. Yes partly wealthy mean to have money and be able to spend it. But more importantly being wealthy means to live in abundance in all areas of life. I am feeling so abundant right now. I have many wonderful friends that are amazing. I have a great family who I love. And I have a fun job that I enjoy!
I am grateful for all the abundance in my life right now. I feel so wealthy! I live in a great area of the city I live in. I am close to great little shops and this fabulous tea house where I am sitting. Enjoying a great chocolate mint tea! I'm on my second pot of tea! It's wonderful! I feel so amazing. And the lady who works here just went and filled my pot again! Wow!!
I feel abundant in my work place too, I have many different things I do at work, and I also have times to be creative, making posters and bulletin boards!
I feel abundant because of the amazing friends I have here in Calgary and across the country and world! I have friends who I can call at 3am for support. Friends that love me for me, and can see past all my shells or masks that I can wear. I can celebrate with them, cry with them, and just be me with them.
I love my family as well! My Mum and Dad are great. And my Sister is amazing! My little nephew is just a joy, and my brother in law is so supportive of Aren!
I am wealthy because I am healthy! I have no major illnesses to speak of at this moment, and that is a very good thing!
Where in your life do you see yourself wealthy? And if it's not in every area of your life why not?? You are wealthy!
Find below a little movie that I found on you-tube. All about abundance!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Love your "girls"
I dedicate this blog to my Aunt Peg who is fighting breast cancer. In honour of all women who are fighting this cancer in this moment or who are survivors, or to the memory of those women who are with the Great Goddess now looking down on us from up above. I send my love to you all!
Okay, I must admit, I thought I would never write about a topic that I've had huge self body issues over. Tonight in the shower I started thinking about the "workshop name" I was given by my teacher this past summer. He named me "Lady Pomplomous", it's french. It means Lady Grapefruit.
When I first heard this name I didn't know the translation from french to English. Then someone told me! I laughed!!
I am well blessed in my chest. It is on the large side. I started to send love to my breasts, I pressed love into them. I zoned (a burlesque dance term) and started moving my hips in the shower as well. I then sent love out to the world from them as well. There are women in the world because of cancer maybe have lost one or both breasts. I wish that there was a way to do a breast transplant, I would gladly give some of mine to another woman who has none! I have lots to share! Like I have lots and lots of love to share!
So love your breasts! Big, small, love them all! Find below two video's that I found on you-tube, dedication to breast cancer awareness month!
Okay, I must admit, I thought I would never write about a topic that I've had huge self body issues over. Tonight in the shower I started thinking about the "workshop name" I was given by my teacher this past summer. He named me "Lady Pomplomous", it's french. It means Lady Grapefruit.
When I first heard this name I didn't know the translation from french to English. Then someone told me! I laughed!!
I am well blessed in my chest. It is on the large side. I started to send love to my breasts, I pressed love into them. I zoned (a burlesque dance term) and started moving my hips in the shower as well. I then sent love out to the world from them as well. There are women in the world because of cancer maybe have lost one or both breasts. I wish that there was a way to do a breast transplant, I would gladly give some of mine to another woman who has none! I have lots to share! Like I have lots and lots of love to share!
So love your breasts! Big, small, love them all! Find below two video's that I found on you-tube, dedication to breast cancer awareness month!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Interview Radio Show
Hello everyone! Today I accomplished something amazing! I was interviewed by Bright Biz Hub here in Calgary on blog talk radio. Here is the link to listen to the radio show in it's entirity. It was such a beautiful thrilling experience!
Listen to internet radio with Bright Biz Hub on Blog Talk Radio
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Make Moves
A few days ago I saw this message on a friend's twitter posted this message/quote: "Make a move even if you're afraid... You'll become bigger as you make bolder moves" How many moves have you done that you were afraid to do?
I've done many....moving out here to Calgary was one. I was afraid to do so. Didn't really know where I was going to live, or what I was going to do for work, all I knew was that I chose to stay.
But how many of those moves have you made where you have lots of butterflies and you're scared out of your tree, but you know in some funny way that you are making a really good choice?
Doing this blog page I was afraid to do, but I knew it be a great thing. And since starting the blog, I've become bigger. Now I don't mean physically bigger, in that regard, I've become smaller! But no, bigger as in I'm not as afraid to try new things, to really put myself out there to shine my love light to the world.
Today I attended a gathering of friends, we did some partner mediation practices. We had the wonderful opportunity to come up with our own dyad/partner question to work on. The question I worked on was "Tell me something you yearn to surrender more deeply too." Wow! What a question I came up with. I had lots of learning's and insights around this. I yearn to surrender more to love, to trust the universe, to surrender to love of self, trust of self.
Trust self that yes I am doing the right thing, that yes I trust myself that I do know what to say to others when the fire is so strong in my belly that I know it will serve both the one I'm speaking with, and others around.
I made a big move at the Women Embracing Brilliance event a week or two ago here in Calgary. I had the amazing opportunity to create a mini video to share with the world Awakening Goddess. I have it below for you. It's a group of women doing their own individual messages. Mine is the last one! Enjoy!
I've done many....moving out here to Calgary was one. I was afraid to do so. Didn't really know where I was going to live, or what I was going to do for work, all I knew was that I chose to stay.
But how many of those moves have you made where you have lots of butterflies and you're scared out of your tree, but you know in some funny way that you are making a really good choice?
Doing this blog page I was afraid to do, but I knew it be a great thing. And since starting the blog, I've become bigger. Now I don't mean physically bigger, in that regard, I've become smaller! But no, bigger as in I'm not as afraid to try new things, to really put myself out there to shine my love light to the world.
Today I attended a gathering of friends, we did some partner mediation practices. We had the wonderful opportunity to come up with our own dyad/partner question to work on. The question I worked on was "Tell me something you yearn to surrender more deeply too." Wow! What a question I came up with. I had lots of learning's and insights around this. I yearn to surrender more to love, to trust the universe, to surrender to love of self, trust of self.
Trust self that yes I am doing the right thing, that yes I trust myself that I do know what to say to others when the fire is so strong in my belly that I know it will serve both the one I'm speaking with, and others around.
I made a big move at the Women Embracing Brilliance event a week or two ago here in Calgary. I had the amazing opportunity to create a mini video to share with the world Awakening Goddess. I have it below for you. It's a group of women doing their own individual messages. Mine is the last one! Enjoy!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Social Dance Trust
Last night I went out to a social dance. I try to go when ever they are hosted at the studio where I have my practices for Burlesque. It's such a fun place, the owners treat everyone like family. I invite you to visit the website of DancEnergy. Great atmosphere, everyone is so friendly!
Since it was my birthday on Wednesday at the dance last night we celebrated my birthday too! Before the day of the dance I requested a song to be placed on the dance list called Amie, it is sung by Lone Star and the original version is by Pure Prarie League. Growing up my Dad would sing this song to me, and we would dance together, normally me standing on his feet!
Gerald the owner of DancEnergy was able to find the song and said we could dance to it. Little did I know what he really meant! Just before the song played, the music stopped last night, and Dale the other owner of DancEnergy was on the microphone, asking for me to come to the dance floor, and everyone else leave. I stood there breathing everyone in and sending love out. Gerald came over and we started dancing with everyone watching! It was a two step, and not my forte! Then out of the corner of my eye I saw another man step onto the dance floor, he took over from Gerald and started to lead me around the dance floor, still with everyone watching! This happened about 6 times! Being led around the dance floor by these 6 men was a thrilling experience!
I had to totally let go and surrender to what was happening and just let myself flow. I also had to trust the masculine 100%. To trust that he'll lead me in the right direction, not let me bump into anyone or anything, and direct me in the dance. I kept breathing and let myself flow with the music. A couple of the guys I danced with I had either just met, or did not know them at all. And that took going too, to dance with a man who I know only very little or not at all was a pretty big step for me. Trusting the masculine is something I have to relax and practice lots with. I have to let him be in control, and take his guidance.
Where in your life do you have to relax and trust??
Since it was my birthday on Wednesday at the dance last night we celebrated my birthday too! Before the day of the dance I requested a song to be placed on the dance list called Amie, it is sung by Lone Star and the original version is by Pure Prarie League. Growing up my Dad would sing this song to me, and we would dance together, normally me standing on his feet!
Gerald the owner of DancEnergy was able to find the song and said we could dance to it. Little did I know what he really meant! Just before the song played, the music stopped last night, and Dale the other owner of DancEnergy was on the microphone, asking for me to come to the dance floor, and everyone else leave. I stood there breathing everyone in and sending love out. Gerald came over and we started dancing with everyone watching! It was a two step, and not my forte! Then out of the corner of my eye I saw another man step onto the dance floor, he took over from Gerald and started to lead me around the dance floor, still with everyone watching! This happened about 6 times! Being led around the dance floor by these 6 men was a thrilling experience!
I had to totally let go and surrender to what was happening and just let myself flow. I also had to trust the masculine 100%. To trust that he'll lead me in the right direction, not let me bump into anyone or anything, and direct me in the dance. I kept breathing and let myself flow with the music. A couple of the guys I danced with I had either just met, or did not know them at all. And that took going too, to dance with a man who I know only very little or not at all was a pretty big step for me. Trusting the masculine is something I have to relax and practice lots with. I have to let him be in control, and take his guidance.
Where in your life do you have to relax and trust??
Saturday, October 9, 2010
It's Your Time
This morning while enjoying some tea, and the sun shining through the windows of the house where I am house sitting for the weekend the song "Time of my Life" by David Cook came on my music player on the computer. Have you heard the words of the song? They are pretty powerful!
The words really spoke to me, they speak about surrendering, letting go of things, dreaming big, and having the time of my life, and really truly living.
This is the time of my life, it's my time. As David says in the song, I'm ready to run, arms open wide, keeping my feet on the ground, face to the sun. I face the sun, breathing and surrendering to love, and living big! I feel a shift coming in my life, it's a good shift. I am open to receiving with open arms and surrender to love and gratitude!
I am much more than just a name, or another face in the group. I am Aime, I am a divine Goddess!
To quote another amazing Goddess Sierra Bender: "I am a 21st century Goddess! I am feminine. I am powerful. I am sensual. I am sexual. Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness. And don't ever take me for granted!"
Living life from my passion and gift of love for the world, is so much fun! I love inspiring women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power! We all have that inner spicy Goddess or inner sex kitten in each of us. It's just when will you let her out to play and embrace your power?!
Come on Sister, I invite you to take my hand. It will be a thrilling experience, come and embrace life with me! I'll be here to support and inspire you!
Find below a version of the David Cook song that I found on you-tube. I don't own the rights to the music or anything like that, it's just something I found on you-tube that I wanted to share with you all!
The words really spoke to me, they speak about surrendering, letting go of things, dreaming big, and having the time of my life, and really truly living.
This is the time of my life, it's my time. As David says in the song, I'm ready to run, arms open wide, keeping my feet on the ground, face to the sun. I face the sun, breathing and surrendering to love, and living big! I feel a shift coming in my life, it's a good shift. I am open to receiving with open arms and surrender to love and gratitude!
I am much more than just a name, or another face in the group. I am Aime, I am a divine Goddess!
To quote another amazing Goddess Sierra Bender: "I am a 21st century Goddess! I am feminine. I am powerful. I am sensual. I am sexual. Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness. And don't ever take me for granted!"
Living life from my passion and gift of love for the world, is so much fun! I love inspiring women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power! We all have that inner spicy Goddess or inner sex kitten in each of us. It's just when will you let her out to play and embrace your power?!
Come on Sister, I invite you to take my hand. It will be a thrilling experience, come and embrace life with me! I'll be here to support and inspire you!
Find below a version of the David Cook song that I found on you-tube. I don't own the rights to the music or anything like that, it's just something I found on you-tube that I wanted to share with you all!
Friday, October 8, 2010
So I've had a couple of really busy weeks. Been really up and down emotionally too. Last week I got to see and have all the pictures taken at my boudoir photo shoot with Impressive Photography. I saw the pictures and didn't recognize myself in a bunch of them. It didn't look like me at all!
Find below at the end of this blog a picture or two of my favourites! I have many favourites! Enjoy!
I am blown away by the responses I've been getting on facebook of the photo's. I feel very blessed!!
I also had the wonderful pleasure last night attending a beautiful event called Women Embracing Brilliance! Wow! What an experience it was!! I was in the company of some amazing brilliant women! Even one of my child hood hero's! Growing up in our family we would watch the Olympics, both summer and winter, to the point where that was all that was on the TV. I remember watching the 1988 summer Olympics. We watched the synchronized swimming portion, I saw the duo Canadian team do their routine. I remember thinking I wanted to meet those athletes! I was so moved by their gold medal performance, that I wrote a story about competing in the Olympics as a syncro swimmer and winning gold. And I finally got to meet one of them last night! I kept thinking I know this woman, then I heard who she was and what sport she used to compete in, and it all clicked! I knew her from watching her on TV those many many years ago! It was so amazing to finally meet her! She is an amazing brilliant woman!
Going into the event last night, I did not know what to expect. I knew it would be a group of women in one room, but what was going to happen I had no clue. And that was a risk for me, to step into the event not knowing really anyone that was going, or so I thought. I knew of a couple yes but when I got there, I knew more than I thought! It was wonderful. Hearing 3 stories from the heart from 3 amazing women was so uplifting.
I connected with many women, traded business cards for Awakening Goddess, did a 1 minute promo video for Awakening Goddess and was on cloud nine for most of the night! One Goddess that I connected with I've known for a few years now. She told me something that I thank her profusely for. She looked into my eyes and my heart and said that I am a writer, to keep on writing/blogging. I connected back with her and was amazed at what she had just told me.
I couldn't believe it, me a writer? Are you serious? Growing up I was diagnosed with border line learning disabilities, low level of grammar, spelling and comprehension. Was told things like I'll never spell well at all, and writing would always be difficult for me.
So NO! I'm shedding that mask that was put on me growing up. Even during my adult life, I was "ordered" by an old employer to take a grammar course to become better at writing for my reports. They said my writing wasn't were it needed to be. It was humiliating, I thought I was communicating quite well in my reports that I had to write. They weren't huge reports either.
So I will continue to keep on blogging. Maybe one day, they might appear in a book some where, some how. I am choosing to write, I am choosing to do things that I've been told in the past that I can't do something. Hey! Even the best writers in the world still get their work edited!
I can and I will continue to dance, even when my Mum had told me many years ago that I don't look like a dancer and I should stop.
I will continue to teach and inspire women through dance, even when I've been told by others that to be a teacher you need a "diploma" to be seen as a teacher.
I will continue to live! Even when my Mum and Dad were told 35 years ago that I will not live past 24hrs right after I was born. I just turned 34 a couple of days ago! So there medical professionals!
What will you do today that you've been told you can't, or you're not good at ______?
Embrace your power! You can do it!
Find below at the end of this blog a picture or two of my favourites! I have many favourites! Enjoy!
I am blown away by the responses I've been getting on facebook of the photo's. I feel very blessed!!
I also had the wonderful pleasure last night attending a beautiful event called Women Embracing Brilliance! Wow! What an experience it was!! I was in the company of some amazing brilliant women! Even one of my child hood hero's! Growing up in our family we would watch the Olympics, both summer and winter, to the point where that was all that was on the TV. I remember watching the 1988 summer Olympics. We watched the synchronized swimming portion, I saw the duo Canadian team do their routine. I remember thinking I wanted to meet those athletes! I was so moved by their gold medal performance, that I wrote a story about competing in the Olympics as a syncro swimmer and winning gold. And I finally got to meet one of them last night! I kept thinking I know this woman, then I heard who she was and what sport she used to compete in, and it all clicked! I knew her from watching her on TV those many many years ago! It was so amazing to finally meet her! She is an amazing brilliant woman!
Going into the event last night, I did not know what to expect. I knew it would be a group of women in one room, but what was going to happen I had no clue. And that was a risk for me, to step into the event not knowing really anyone that was going, or so I thought. I knew of a couple yes but when I got there, I knew more than I thought! It was wonderful. Hearing 3 stories from the heart from 3 amazing women was so uplifting.
I connected with many women, traded business cards for Awakening Goddess, did a 1 minute promo video for Awakening Goddess and was on cloud nine for most of the night! One Goddess that I connected with I've known for a few years now. She told me something that I thank her profusely for. She looked into my eyes and my heart and said that I am a writer, to keep on writing/blogging. I connected back with her and was amazed at what she had just told me.
I couldn't believe it, me a writer? Are you serious? Growing up I was diagnosed with border line learning disabilities, low level of grammar, spelling and comprehension. Was told things like I'll never spell well at all, and writing would always be difficult for me.
So NO! I'm shedding that mask that was put on me growing up. Even during my adult life, I was "ordered" by an old employer to take a grammar course to become better at writing for my reports. They said my writing wasn't were it needed to be. It was humiliating, I thought I was communicating quite well in my reports that I had to write. They weren't huge reports either.
So I will continue to keep on blogging. Maybe one day, they might appear in a book some where, some how. I am choosing to write, I am choosing to do things that I've been told in the past that I can't do something. Hey! Even the best writers in the world still get their work edited!
I can and I will continue to dance, even when my Mum had told me many years ago that I don't look like a dancer and I should stop.
I will continue to teach and inspire women through dance, even when I've been told by others that to be a teacher you need a "diploma" to be seen as a teacher.
I will continue to live! Even when my Mum and Dad were told 35 years ago that I will not live past 24hrs right after I was born. I just turned 34 a couple of days ago! So there medical professionals!
What will you do today that you've been told you can't, or you're not good at ______?
Embrace your power! You can do it!
Monday, September 20, 2010
After the photo shoot
Yesterday was a whirl wind of emotions. The photo shoot was a ride of fun.
Later that evening, I had a shower, and I was over come with emotions. I imagined "saw" my family my Aunts and Mum saying to me that I am beautiful.
I just started to cry and sob in the shower. I then said to myself I am beautiful over and over again. I also for the first time let out howls/tones, in between the sobs.
It was like a release of emotions from deep within my body.
The song by Christina A. "Beautiful" came into my mind as well. The words are pretty powerful!
Find the video below with the words.
Later that evening, I had a shower, and I was over come with emotions. I imagined "saw" my family my Aunts and Mum saying to me that I am beautiful.
I just started to cry and sob in the shower. I then said to myself I am beautiful over and over again. I also for the first time let out howls/tones, in between the sobs.
It was like a release of emotions from deep within my body.
The song by Christina A. "Beautiful" came into my mind as well. The words are pretty powerful!
Find the video below with the words.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Huge break through
Today I had a professional photo shoot. To be more specific I did a boudoir photo shoot. I took a huge step to break out of my comfort zone to really see myself as the beautiful Goddess that I am.
It was a huge challenge for me. I was really nervous to start with. But Shauna and Sheldon from Impressive Photography helped me feel safe, supported and respected. I took these photo's for me. To celebrate my wins. To really see myself as the beautiful Goddess that I am.
It was a wonderful experience, as I breathed through the experience I had small snippets of "oh my gosh". Growing up being severely teased called ugly, fat, stupid, and many other words, use your imagination, my self esteem of my own beauty wasn't very high.
While in University living/surviving through the abusive relationship put my self esteem in the toilet. Being controlled by my at that time boyfriend with every move I did has really played on my self confidence.
I also had issues even till a few years ago of feeling like the "fat sister", I was a size 16 - 18 a few years ago. Now I celebrate being the size 11, yes I'm not done my journey but I need to celebrate the small steps.
But I think one of the biggest wins I had during the photo shoot was being able to do the photo shoot in front of others. The beautiful Shauna and her husband Sheldon. Especially Sheldon, with him being in the room when I was in my bra/undies as well as the other photo shoot with just using my boa strategically placed by Shauna. Because I am well blessed in my chest I am very self conscious about my chest. I really had to breath through this part, but I did it and what I've seen of the photo's from the camera they look really amazing!
Finally I wouldn't have dreamed of doing anything like this since before doing Burlesque dancing. But doing the dancing has really fast tracked my ability to love myself, and raise my confidence in myself. I felt powerful, confident, in control, and sexy during the photo shoot! And I know I did all the work on myself, but I really do thank all my teachers, friends, family who've supported me in my growth and healing.
I highly recommend all Goddesses to go and see Shauna and and Sheldon, they will treat you like a super model and an amazing Goddess that you all are!
It was a huge challenge for me. I was really nervous to start with. But Shauna and Sheldon from Impressive Photography helped me feel safe, supported and respected. I took these photo's for me. To celebrate my wins. To really see myself as the beautiful Goddess that I am.
It was a wonderful experience, as I breathed through the experience I had small snippets of "oh my gosh". Growing up being severely teased called ugly, fat, stupid, and many other words, use your imagination, my self esteem of my own beauty wasn't very high.
While in University living/surviving through the abusive relationship put my self esteem in the toilet. Being controlled by my at that time boyfriend with every move I did has really played on my self confidence.
I also had issues even till a few years ago of feeling like the "fat sister", I was a size 16 - 18 a few years ago. Now I celebrate being the size 11, yes I'm not done my journey but I need to celebrate the small steps.
But I think one of the biggest wins I had during the photo shoot was being able to do the photo shoot in front of others. The beautiful Shauna and her husband Sheldon. Especially Sheldon, with him being in the room when I was in my bra/undies as well as the other photo shoot with just using my boa strategically placed by Shauna. Because I am well blessed in my chest I am very self conscious about my chest. I really had to breath through this part, but I did it and what I've seen of the photo's from the camera they look really amazing!
Finally I wouldn't have dreamed of doing anything like this since before doing Burlesque dancing. But doing the dancing has really fast tracked my ability to love myself, and raise my confidence in myself. I felt powerful, confident, in control, and sexy during the photo shoot! And I know I did all the work on myself, but I really do thank all my teachers, friends, family who've supported me in my growth and healing.
I highly recommend all Goddesses to go and see Shauna and and Sheldon, they will treat you like a super model and an amazing Goddess that you all are!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Exciting new additions!
I would love to let you all now know in this moment there have been some great changes for the website Awakening Goddess!
First off, I now have my own business cards! To hand out to the public, friends, leave in different places. I love them! On the left hand side of the card is this powerful looking Goddess with firey red hair!
Also I now have an e-mail address strictlly for business,
I am excited to see how these magical creations take flight! I invite you to the website, and if you feel moved I welcome you to sign the guest book and spread the link to your friends!
The fan page called Wisdom, Beauty, Grace, and Laughter is also growing in strength as well. There is almost 300 wonderful people as fans on the site. Can't wait to see how that frows as well! I am excited to see how it all blooms into more love!!
This is how I am feeling right now today as I sit here creating and dreaming in my favourite local coffeee shop! I found this music video on youtube, I do not own the music or any rights to the video. It's just something I found.
Create magic everyone! We all have the power to create it!!
First off, I now have my own business cards! To hand out to the public, friends, leave in different places. I love them! On the left hand side of the card is this powerful looking Goddess with firey red hair!
Also I now have an e-mail address strictlly for business,
I am excited to see how these magical creations take flight! I invite you to the website, and if you feel moved I welcome you to sign the guest book and spread the link to your friends!
The fan page called Wisdom, Beauty, Grace, and Laughter is also growing in strength as well. There is almost 300 wonderful people as fans on the site. Can't wait to see how that frows as well! I am excited to see how it all blooms into more love!!
This is how I am feeling right now today as I sit here creating and dreaming in my favourite local coffeee shop! I found this music video on youtube, I do not own the music or any rights to the video. It's just something I found.
Create magic everyone! We all have the power to create it!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Mix it up!
So today I decided to venture out of my apartment to a different coffee shop. I am still at a Second Cup, but a different one. I also decided to try a different latte, it's Maple flavour! Very yummy!!
That got me often do you change your routine? Do you go to work/school the same way every day?
When's the last time you tried something new? Even if it's just a different kind of tea that you've not had before? I know if I had not tried the Bengal Spice tea (the one with the tiger on the box) I would not have fallen in love with it.
Same with trying the new style of dance, trying the Burlesque dance was something way new for me. A totally different style of dance for me. Growing up learning classical ballet, to burlesque is quite the switch! If I hadn't started dance with my amazing teacher Di I wouldn't have found my purpose for the world, and not created Awakening Goddess!
Is it because of fear that others don't try new things? Possibly, the unknown can be very scary for some. I know it is for me. It's like jumping off of a cliff into a river, I don't know how I will land, if I will recover from the jump, and how I will float down the river. But I take a big deep breath and jump anyway.
Life is like a river or roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs, or as the river, it has it's fast moving currents, rapids, and also slow flowing parts. It's all wonderful, it's all apart of life.
So I want to encourage you to mix it up! Try something new! You might really enjoy it, or not. But if you don't try you won't know if you like something or not.
Find below a video of a song I found on you-tube. I do not own the video or the music, it's just something I found and wanted to share with you!
That got me often do you change your routine? Do you go to work/school the same way every day?
When's the last time you tried something new? Even if it's just a different kind of tea that you've not had before? I know if I had not tried the Bengal Spice tea (the one with the tiger on the box) I would not have fallen in love with it.
Same with trying the new style of dance, trying the Burlesque dance was something way new for me. A totally different style of dance for me. Growing up learning classical ballet, to burlesque is quite the switch! If I hadn't started dance with my amazing teacher Di I wouldn't have found my purpose for the world, and not created Awakening Goddess!
Is it because of fear that others don't try new things? Possibly, the unknown can be very scary for some. I know it is for me. It's like jumping off of a cliff into a river, I don't know how I will land, if I will recover from the jump, and how I will float down the river. But I take a big deep breath and jump anyway.
Life is like a river or roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs, or as the river, it has it's fast moving currents, rapids, and also slow flowing parts. It's all wonderful, it's all apart of life.
So I want to encourage you to mix it up! Try something new! You might really enjoy it, or not. But if you don't try you won't know if you like something or not.
Find below a video of a song I found on you-tube. I do not own the video or the music, it's just something I found and wanted to share with you!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Correct and Continue
I was reminded today of a good practice and I want to share it with you all. It is the practice of "correct and continue".
I had to make some corrections at work with a few things for the pre-school that I am an admin person for. I am new to the over all position, and doing the admin is one of the things I now do.
I just breathed through it and said to myself correct and continue. Fix and do the things I missed and keep going. For tomorrow will be another day and a better day.
I want to share a video I found on youtube about this exact practice. It's from the poem "Don't Quit" It keeps me going! Now today's "correct and continue" wasn't too crazy, as some of the phrases in this video. But I've been there too. And what doesn't kill me makes me stronger! Just breathe and keep going!
I had to make some corrections at work with a few things for the pre-school that I am an admin person for. I am new to the over all position, and doing the admin is one of the things I now do.
I just breathed through it and said to myself correct and continue. Fix and do the things I missed and keep going. For tomorrow will be another day and a better day.
I want to share a video I found on youtube about this exact practice. It's from the poem "Don't Quit" It keeps me going! Now today's "correct and continue" wasn't too crazy, as some of the phrases in this video. But I've been there too. And what doesn't kill me makes me stronger! Just breathe and keep going!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Change Your World
There's a great song called "Change Your World" by Heather Small. The words are pretty powerful. Heather sings about changing your world, start with yourself. That each of us have our own strength and power to change our world.
What has to happen today for you to change your world? Even if it's a micro mini step? I am breathing and doing things that I love, I am keeping my heart open and open to receive.
Choosing to say yes to myself. Even if it's no to someone else. Everyone is able to say yes to themselves. We are each powerful creators, we all have amazing strength.
Do you dare to dream big? I am realizing that dreaming big is a good thing to do. Even if it's a little scary. Seeing that yes I can have what I want because I am worth it. It is a thrilling experience when I realized this. A little bit scary, but awesome all at the same time. I remember when this feeling first came over me, I was having a coaching session, and I just started to cry, my heart was hurting because it was trying to be open, but my ego wanted to keep it closed and safe. I pushed through and fully let myself open to the Universe.
I'm creating my own reality.....I have my own business cards coming to me by the end of this week. I have my own website that I invite you to I am really putting myself out there, willing to be seen.
I have my first real professional photo shoot coming in the middle of Sept. The team that will be doing my photo shoot can be found here: I am doing both a boudoir photo shoot and a professional one. I am super excited stepping outside my box to do the boudoir one.
I am choosing to change my world, as I wrote yesterday I submitted a nomination to be recognized as a Radical Woman of 2011 at an International Conference to be held in the United States. I am realizing that I am worth it. I deserve to be seen for who I am, for what I am doing, and how I am choosing to change my own world, my own reality. It's a powerful experience. A thrilling experience.
I know in my heart that I am changing my world.....
What has to happen today for you to change your world?
Find below a music video that I found on youtube, I do not own any part of the video or the music. It's from an amazing performer Francesca Battistelli. Her song is called "It's Your Life"
What has to happen today for you to change your world? Even if it's a micro mini step? I am breathing and doing things that I love, I am keeping my heart open and open to receive.
Choosing to say yes to myself. Even if it's no to someone else. Everyone is able to say yes to themselves. We are each powerful creators, we all have amazing strength.
Do you dare to dream big? I am realizing that dreaming big is a good thing to do. Even if it's a little scary. Seeing that yes I can have what I want because I am worth it. It is a thrilling experience when I realized this. A little bit scary, but awesome all at the same time. I remember when this feeling first came over me, I was having a coaching session, and I just started to cry, my heart was hurting because it was trying to be open, but my ego wanted to keep it closed and safe. I pushed through and fully let myself open to the Universe.
I'm creating my own reality.....I have my own business cards coming to me by the end of this week. I have my own website that I invite you to I am really putting myself out there, willing to be seen.
I have my first real professional photo shoot coming in the middle of Sept. The team that will be doing my photo shoot can be found here: I am doing both a boudoir photo shoot and a professional one. I am super excited stepping outside my box to do the boudoir one.
I am choosing to change my world, as I wrote yesterday I submitted a nomination to be recognized as a Radical Woman of 2011 at an International Conference to be held in the United States. I am realizing that I am worth it. I deserve to be seen for who I am, for what I am doing, and how I am choosing to change my own world, my own reality. It's a powerful experience. A thrilling experience.
I know in my heart that I am changing my world.....
What has to happen today for you to change your world?
Find below a music video that I found on youtube, I do not own any part of the video or the music. It's from an amazing performer Francesca Battistelli. Her song is called "It's Your Life"
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Get Radical Woman's Award 2011
I've been a fan of a page on facebook for a little over a year now called Get Radical Women's Conference. I saw the message on their fan page about nominations for the 2011 awards. I decided to nominate myself. Nominations are open to women in Canada as well as the USA. And self nominations are allowed as well. Find below my nomination essay that I just finished writing and submitting to the organization committee.
Yes I work a "9 - 5" job for Metis Calgary Family Services as a Community Animator for Aboriginal Parent Link. However, this is not my true passion in life.
That is why I started the company Awakening Goddess. I have figured out my purpose in life. It is to inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power!
I grew up like many girls having many self confidence issues, body issues, and self esteem issues. I was severely bullied by both the boys and girls in my grade school years from grades four to eight. And I am a survivor of an abusive relationship while in University
I as well like many women have dealt with my weight through out my adult life. However it was about 3 years ago when I hit my top clothing size 16/18. I didn't like myself, the way I looked or anything.
I came across the TV show The Biggest Loser and fell in love with the show. I cried along with the participants each week, and could relate to a lot of what they were saying. The trainers on the show were amazing, I love them both, although I am a fellow “Team Jillian” fan.
I decided it was time for me. I’m choosing to eat healthier, and live a more healthier life style. I’m not done my journey but I have so far gone from the size 16/18 to a size 11 (currently while writing this).
While choosing to live healthier, I also took that to look after my mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well. I’ve been doing personal growth seminars re learning who I really am, reclaiming my self power and worth. And learning to dream big.
I also stumbled upon an amazing fitness dance class called Burlesquercise. It’s called “sexy fitness” by my dance instructress. Sexify your soul my dance instructress says. To get into my body and move it, learning how to be sensual in my dancing has not been easy. I grew up classically ballet trained for 11 years. So when I first started my dance classes my instructress was showing us what to do, how to move and then touching our own bodies in a sensual way was very hard for me to do.
Now though I love it! Realizing that my purpose is to inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power through sacred body movement brings me such joy! I love seeing the women come to the one on one’s that I do, or mini lessons for a group of girl friends with the uncertainty of what is going to happen, to watch them bloom open to have fun and enjoy moving their bodies.
That’s why I feel I deserve the Radical Woman’s Award for 2011, it’s important I feel for women to be comfortable in their own skin, to fully be who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power! Thank you for considering me!
Yes I work a "9 - 5" job for Metis Calgary Family Services as a Community Animator for Aboriginal Parent Link. However, this is not my true passion in life.
That is why I started the company Awakening Goddess. I have figured out my purpose in life. It is to inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power!
I grew up like many girls having many self confidence issues, body issues, and self esteem issues. I was severely bullied by both the boys and girls in my grade school years from grades four to eight. And I am a survivor of an abusive relationship while in University
I as well like many women have dealt with my weight through out my adult life. However it was about 3 years ago when I hit my top clothing size 16/18. I didn't like myself, the way I looked or anything.
I came across the TV show The Biggest Loser and fell in love with the show. I cried along with the participants each week, and could relate to a lot of what they were saying. The trainers on the show were amazing, I love them both, although I am a fellow “Team Jillian” fan.
I decided it was time for me. I’m choosing to eat healthier, and live a more healthier life style. I’m not done my journey but I have so far gone from the size 16/18 to a size 11 (currently while writing this).
While choosing to live healthier, I also took that to look after my mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well. I’ve been doing personal growth seminars re learning who I really am, reclaiming my self power and worth. And learning to dream big.
I also stumbled upon an amazing fitness dance class called Burlesquercise. It’s called “sexy fitness” by my dance instructress. Sexify your soul my dance instructress says. To get into my body and move it, learning how to be sensual in my dancing has not been easy. I grew up classically ballet trained for 11 years. So when I first started my dance classes my instructress was showing us what to do, how to move and then touching our own bodies in a sensual way was very hard for me to do.
Now though I love it! Realizing that my purpose is to inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power through sacred body movement brings me such joy! I love seeing the women come to the one on one’s that I do, or mini lessons for a group of girl friends with the uncertainty of what is going to happen, to watch them bloom open to have fun and enjoy moving their bodies.
That’s why I feel I deserve the Radical Woman’s Award for 2011, it’s important I feel for women to be comfortable in their own skin, to fully be who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power! Thank you for considering me!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Heart's Desires
A while ago this quote came into my e-mail box: "Understand your purpose in life by feeling your heart's desires." ~ Marcia Wieder
This quote really spoke to me. As I sit here this morning in a local coffee shop I look around and wonder how many others in the shop really know what their purpose in life is?
What in life makes their heart sing? What gets them jazzed about life?
What gets you jazzed about life? What makes your heart sing?
Why do you get up in the morning? What keeps you going?
My coach has a wonderful message on her facebook page: "You have the power to transform your own life. Get clear on your purpose - then open your heart and let it come to you."
I love this message too! It was she who helped me figure out my purpose. I open my heart and let go of the "how" things will happen. I will create magic! I am a powerful creator. Yes I have to take steps to create the magic, and so do you!
I know I've written about this before, but I'll keep doing it! I love inspiring other women, I love watching them step into their power. Through many outlets, but one for sure is through sacred body movement. It is something I could do I love it, it's a job I could do for free. It's my passion/purpose to inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power.
Another thing I've done to step into my own power, is that I've booked my photo shoot with Impressive Photography. I will be doing a boudoir photo shoot with them, as well as a shoot that's more on the professional side of things. I've never done a boudoir photo shoot before.
Growing up with lots of body self image issues I had a huge struggle with seeing myself as beautiful. As well as lots of self confidence issues, it was a struggle growing up sometimes. I thought of myself especially in high school as the "fat sister". My younger sister I thought at that time was prettier because she was smaller than I was.
But now, I've come to accept my body the way it is, and love it as it is now. Yes I am still on a journey to live healthier and eat healthier, but it will always be there. I've journeyed from being a size 16/18 to now a size 11! I am proud of what I've done.
I give thanks to my teachers along my journey. Di from Burlesquercise for it is you who helped me bring out my inner sex kitten! And learn the body movements that I now use to inspire my own clients. The entire Sr. Staff team at WarriorSage for helping me figure out who I am, develop my personal power, and shine my true heart.
Doing the work on myself, taking time for me has been important. I wish for you to take time for yourself, and see what your heart really desires to do.
This quote really spoke to me. As I sit here this morning in a local coffee shop I look around and wonder how many others in the shop really know what their purpose in life is?
What in life makes their heart sing? What gets them jazzed about life?
What gets you jazzed about life? What makes your heart sing?
Why do you get up in the morning? What keeps you going?
My coach has a wonderful message on her facebook page: "You have the power to transform your own life. Get clear on your purpose - then open your heart and let it come to you."
I love this message too! It was she who helped me figure out my purpose. I open my heart and let go of the "how" things will happen. I will create magic! I am a powerful creator. Yes I have to take steps to create the magic, and so do you!
I know I've written about this before, but I'll keep doing it! I love inspiring other women, I love watching them step into their power. Through many outlets, but one for sure is through sacred body movement. It is something I could do I love it, it's a job I could do for free. It's my passion/purpose to inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power.
Another thing I've done to step into my own power, is that I've booked my photo shoot with Impressive Photography. I will be doing a boudoir photo shoot with them, as well as a shoot that's more on the professional side of things. I've never done a boudoir photo shoot before.
Growing up with lots of body self image issues I had a huge struggle with seeing myself as beautiful. As well as lots of self confidence issues, it was a struggle growing up sometimes. I thought of myself especially in high school as the "fat sister". My younger sister I thought at that time was prettier because she was smaller than I was.
But now, I've come to accept my body the way it is, and love it as it is now. Yes I am still on a journey to live healthier and eat healthier, but it will always be there. I've journeyed from being a size 16/18 to now a size 11! I am proud of what I've done.
I give thanks to my teachers along my journey. Di from Burlesquercise for it is you who helped me bring out my inner sex kitten! And learn the body movements that I now use to inspire my own clients. The entire Sr. Staff team at WarriorSage for helping me figure out who I am, develop my personal power, and shine my true heart.
Doing the work on myself, taking time for me has been important. I wish for you to take time for yourself, and see what your heart really desires to do.
Friday, August 27, 2010
I lovingly present to you!
Okay! Crazy wonderful week! I had my first student earlier in the week. And was on cloud nine...but I have even more wonderful news to share with you all!
The next day I launched my web site for Awakening Goddess, and ordered my very first business cards! I'm super excited! I've gotten some wonderful feed back already from some friends.
I invite you to
Thank you everyone for your love and support! If you feel moved, I invite your comments on the guest book and to spread the message of Awakening Goddess!
It's my dream to inspire all women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power!
The next day I launched my web site for Awakening Goddess, and ordered my very first business cards! I'm super excited! I've gotten some wonderful feed back already from some friends.
I invite you to
Thank you everyone for your love and support! If you feel moved, I invite your comments on the guest book and to spread the message of Awakening Goddess!
It's my dream to inspire all women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's Official!!
Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Thank you Universe for making me wealthy! I am proud to announce that Awakening Goddess officially had it's first solo client/student!
I am on cloud nine! I met a beautiful Goddess for an hour. We opened with a heart connection dyad we each asked each other three questions "Tell me a thought in your mind? Tell me a feeling in your body? and Tell me a feeling in your heart?" Then I asked her why was I there? What did she want to get out of the session.
We did some stretching, and then body isolation movements. We took our time and she did amazing. Then we moved into some zoning. Again, we played with the zones and took our time. I showed her one of the performances that I had done at the Sun and Salsa festival back in July "Take Control". She thought it was really great.
To close the evening we did the same dyad, the three questions, her responses were very different to what she had said earlier at the start of the evening.
We only did one hour of a session. We are going to meet again next week! I am super excited!
It's inspiring for me to see the change in even one hour with the Goddess I was working with. I love to inspire others! Hence my purpose of Awakening Goddess! To inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power!
It's what I do that I love! I saw a quote that my parents sent me from Hawaii, it is "let what you do, be what you love!" And I love dancing and inspiring others! It brings me such joy! Even I go so far to say outrageous joy! It is my purpose/gift of love/passion for the world! And I'm not going to stop!
Find below three pictures, two of me from the May Burlesque Gala, and one of me and my amazing teacher the sexy Di Lefebvre! Who I owe so much too! So much love and gratitude to you Miss Di!
I am booking my photo shoot very soon, within the next couple of weeks I hope!

I am on cloud nine! I met a beautiful Goddess for an hour. We opened with a heart connection dyad we each asked each other three questions "Tell me a thought in your mind? Tell me a feeling in your body? and Tell me a feeling in your heart?" Then I asked her why was I there? What did she want to get out of the session.
We did some stretching, and then body isolation movements. We took our time and she did amazing. Then we moved into some zoning. Again, we played with the zones and took our time. I showed her one of the performances that I had done at the Sun and Salsa festival back in July "Take Control". She thought it was really great.
To close the evening we did the same dyad, the three questions, her responses were very different to what she had said earlier at the start of the evening.
We only did one hour of a session. We are going to meet again next week! I am super excited!
It's inspiring for me to see the change in even one hour with the Goddess I was working with. I love to inspire others! Hence my purpose of Awakening Goddess! To inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power!
It's what I do that I love! I saw a quote that my parents sent me from Hawaii, it is "let what you do, be what you love!" And I love dancing and inspiring others! It brings me such joy! Even I go so far to say outrageous joy! It is my purpose/gift of love/passion for the world! And I'm not going to stop!
Find below three pictures, two of me from the May Burlesque Gala, and one of me and my amazing teacher the sexy Di Lefebvre! Who I owe so much too! So much love and gratitude to you Miss Di!
I am booking my photo shoot very soon, within the next couple of weeks I hope!

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Flow of the Feminine
So over these past two weeks, I've had lots going on. Last weekend (Aug. 13 - 15) I attended the amazing Groovy Goddess Weekend, at a fellow Goddess Sister's house. We had lots of fun, connecting, replenishing our feminine hearts, and enjoying being in each others company.
It was so peaceful to just be able to go with the flow and do what I felt like doing. If I wanted to rest I did, if I wanted to swim, I did, if I wanted to dance I did. There was no agenda at all for the entire weekend. The only things that were set was who was preparing the meals and what we were preparing. The group I was with, was on breakfast for Saturday. We prepared pancakes, bacon, and fruit. It was wonderful. We all took care of each other and ourselves all at the same time.
We didn't have any set official practices, but many women had things come up and worked them through in arms of their Sisters. It was beautiful and magical to witness and support my Sisters, and to be supported by them when I had things come up during the weekend. I feel honoured and blessed to be apart of the weekend.
I know that the power of the feminine is amazing, healing, magical, and life force its self. Mother Goddess can turn your world upside down in 2 seconds flat. Never underestimate the power of the feminine. Both Mother Goddess and yourself! You are a powerful, magical Goddess! You can flow down the peaceful river, but also create waves of great power!
It's a thrilling experience to feel the excitement of energy buzzing through my veins when I get really creative, or a great idea comes up. For example, I've booked my first client for Awakening Goddess. I will be inspiring one Goddess to be fully who she is and accept her own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power!
Find below a mini movie I found on you-tube about what is a Goddess?
It was so peaceful to just be able to go with the flow and do what I felt like doing. If I wanted to rest I did, if I wanted to swim, I did, if I wanted to dance I did. There was no agenda at all for the entire weekend. The only things that were set was who was preparing the meals and what we were preparing. The group I was with, was on breakfast for Saturday. We prepared pancakes, bacon, and fruit. It was wonderful. We all took care of each other and ourselves all at the same time.
We didn't have any set official practices, but many women had things come up and worked them through in arms of their Sisters. It was beautiful and magical to witness and support my Sisters, and to be supported by them when I had things come up during the weekend. I feel honoured and blessed to be apart of the weekend.
I know that the power of the feminine is amazing, healing, magical, and life force its self. Mother Goddess can turn your world upside down in 2 seconds flat. Never underestimate the power of the feminine. Both Mother Goddess and yourself! You are a powerful, magical Goddess! You can flow down the peaceful river, but also create waves of great power!
It's a thrilling experience to feel the excitement of energy buzzing through my veins when I get really creative, or a great idea comes up. For example, I've booked my first client for Awakening Goddess. I will be inspiring one Goddess to be fully who she is and accept her own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power!
Find below a mini movie I found on you-tube about what is a Goddess?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Memories from childhood that bring you to smile!
Sitting here in a local coffee shop this morning it is raining. When I was coming into the coffee shop it hadn't started to rain yet. Although I knew it had, by the puddles on the ground, but more importantly there was an aroma in the air that I could tell it had rained during the over night.
The aroma that was in the air took me back to my childhood. I was a flood of memories from when I was in Girl Guides and camping. It was the same aroma that I would smell after it had just rained. I thought about being a girl again, being out in nature camping. Soaking up all that was around me. It was a happy time, to be in nature. I was reminded of being surrounded by trees, the water, and the beauty of Mother Nature.
There are other memories that I have that are only brought on by specific aroma's. For example when I am visiting my family back home in Ontario, sometimes Mum will make porridge on the stove. The aroma of the oats cooking on the stove remind me from when I was little, and she would do the same thing.
Or perhaps it's a memory from something you see? When I see little girls playing/exploring out in a park, in nature, it reminds me when I was a little girl, being out in nature in a forest with my father. We would go and collect fire wood for our wood burning stove that we had. I would spend more time exploring the tree's looking for places where fairy's live or woodland creatures like squirls or chipmunks. I would help my Dad yes, but I was more concerned about finding houses for the animals and fairy's.
Another happy memory that is sprung from seeing others is again when I see little girls dancing/twirling in space. I am reminded of when I took ballet lessons as a young girl. I had so much fun dancing wearing the pretty costumes that had all the sparkles.
And now I am dancing still, but instead of sparkles and sequins, I have feathers! It is such a rewarding experience to be dancing again. I have women come up to me after they see me dance, and ask how do I do it? There are many women who see me dance who want to dance like myself and the others in my dance troop but are either to afraid to do so, or don't think they can dance. Goddesses! Let me tell you a little secret....if you can walk, you can dance! Just move your body to the music, feel the music in your heart, and let your body move to it!
The aroma that was in the air took me back to my childhood. I was a flood of memories from when I was in Girl Guides and camping. It was the same aroma that I would smell after it had just rained. I thought about being a girl again, being out in nature camping. Soaking up all that was around me. It was a happy time, to be in nature. I was reminded of being surrounded by trees, the water, and the beauty of Mother Nature.
There are other memories that I have that are only brought on by specific aroma's. For example when I am visiting my family back home in Ontario, sometimes Mum will make porridge on the stove. The aroma of the oats cooking on the stove remind me from when I was little, and she would do the same thing.
Or perhaps it's a memory from something you see? When I see little girls playing/exploring out in a park, in nature, it reminds me when I was a little girl, being out in nature in a forest with my father. We would go and collect fire wood for our wood burning stove that we had. I would spend more time exploring the tree's looking for places where fairy's live or woodland creatures like squirls or chipmunks. I would help my Dad yes, but I was more concerned about finding houses for the animals and fairy's.
Another happy memory that is sprung from seeing others is again when I see little girls dancing/twirling in space. I am reminded of when I took ballet lessons as a young girl. I had so much fun dancing wearing the pretty costumes that had all the sparkles.
And now I am dancing still, but instead of sparkles and sequins, I have feathers! It is such a rewarding experience to be dancing again. I have women come up to me after they see me dance, and ask how do I do it? There are many women who see me dance who want to dance like myself and the others in my dance troop but are either to afraid to do so, or don't think they can dance. Goddesses! Let me tell you a little secret....if you can walk, you can dance! Just move your body to the music, feel the music in your heart, and let your body move to it!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Open to LOVE
Okay, I'm back.....and I am open to LOVE are you? I was at an event called Awakening of the WarriorSage. It is an event all about personal power and breaking through fears to live the way you want too. Be it open to love, freedom, power, all of the above!
I had the true honour and pleasure to be apart of a team of amazing Warriors for three days. I served them well and the amazing participants as well. It was my role to set the scene for the participants each day. To ready them for their task at hand it was a serious task, that would take them to their death and back. We were playing with dark energy, energy that can be very scary for some. I know when I participated in this event back in 2007, the last thing I wanted to do was be in that dark energy for 5 hours! I cried the entire time.
Many participants broke through amazing barriers or fears that they had. The Warriors that I served were amazing with the participants. Seeing into each participant seeing what buttons to push to get them to break out of their fear and into love! It was beautiful to be apart of to witness the transformations.
Who will you fight for? Who will you die for? Who will you live for? Who will you protect when you are faced with your dark demons? Who will suffer if you are not here on this planet?
Where in your life are you not open to love? Can you be open to love, even in the darkest times? I know for myself when I've gone through some crazy dark times in my life, the last thing I want to do is open to love. But then I stop and breathe, even if I can just open just a little 2% more then I've accomplished something.
I want to encourage you Sister, to open to love, even just a tiny bit more, just 2% more. Come on out of your shell a bit. See the world from the eyes of love!
Find below a picture of the Warriors and myself from our Gala night from the seminar. These fine men are amazing. I trust them with my life. And for me that is saying something!
I had the true honour and pleasure to be apart of a team of amazing Warriors for three days. I served them well and the amazing participants as well. It was my role to set the scene for the participants each day. To ready them for their task at hand it was a serious task, that would take them to their death and back. We were playing with dark energy, energy that can be very scary for some. I know when I participated in this event back in 2007, the last thing I wanted to do was be in that dark energy for 5 hours! I cried the entire time.
Many participants broke through amazing barriers or fears that they had. The Warriors that I served were amazing with the participants. Seeing into each participant seeing what buttons to push to get them to break out of their fear and into love! It was beautiful to be apart of to witness the transformations.
Who will you fight for? Who will you die for? Who will you live for? Who will you protect when you are faced with your dark demons? Who will suffer if you are not here on this planet?
Where in your life are you not open to love? Can you be open to love, even in the darkest times? I know for myself when I've gone through some crazy dark times in my life, the last thing I want to do is open to love. But then I stop and breathe, even if I can just open just a little 2% more then I've accomplished something.
I want to encourage you Sister, to open to love, even just a tiny bit more, just 2% more. Come on out of your shell a bit. See the world from the eyes of love!
Find below a picture of the Warriors and myself from our Gala night from the seminar. These fine men are amazing. I trust them with my life. And for me that is saying something!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Be Happy Gosh Darn It!!!
Goddesses!!! If you can't find something to be happy about in your day, then I strongly encourage you to do so! I just finished getting my oil changed and tire fixed at a Kal Tire here in the city. When I went to pay I found out that the fee to get the tire fixed was free! I was so happy to hear that! The guy at the counter just laughed, and I said to him that we need to find the little things that make us happy!
And it makes me laugh, because it is just a little thing but it made me happy. And if I can't find something to be happy about, then I'm not living!
As I said yesterday in my blog post, I've been in a really good mood for the past week. And it just keeps getting better. I am saying "YES" to the Universe, yes to myself. Because you can always say yes to yourself. You don't have to explain yourself. That is one that I'm still rembering to practice. I am remaining open to the Universe, to spirit, to source. To keep me going on the right path. I feel like I'm on the right path, I'm vibrating with energy, excitement, and also grounded in my own wisdom that I know what to do, and everything will be just perfect if I just let go, and let love in. Which is can for me be a struggle at times. For me to relax and let go, can be hard for many.
I just remind myself to keep breathing, softening the front surface of my body and know that I'm being held by the Great Mother.
Find below a movie that I found on youtube that always makes me smile! It's a Happy Dance!
And it makes me laugh, because it is just a little thing but it made me happy. And if I can't find something to be happy about, then I'm not living!
As I said yesterday in my blog post, I've been in a really good mood for the past week. And it just keeps getting better. I am saying "YES" to the Universe, yes to myself. Because you can always say yes to yourself. You don't have to explain yourself. That is one that I'm still rembering to practice. I am remaining open to the Universe, to spirit, to source. To keep me going on the right path. I feel like I'm on the right path, I'm vibrating with energy, excitement, and also grounded in my own wisdom that I know what to do, and everything will be just perfect if I just let go, and let love in. Which is can for me be a struggle at times. For me to relax and let go, can be hard for many.
I just remind myself to keep breathing, softening the front surface of my body and know that I'm being held by the Great Mother.
Find below a movie that I found on youtube that always makes me smile! It's a Happy Dance!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wow!!!! What a week I've had!!! So much great things have been appearing in my life! I am over come with emotion of gratitude, love, and passion! So much growth is happening in all areas of my life, and I'm riding the roller coaster of life, and not letting go!
On Monday I found out that I was to start my new job. I was training Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Today (Friday) I was back at the day care one last time. I miss the kids, but this will be a great step in my growth in the working realm of my life.
I loving my new job, it's going to be so great to be supporting families going through a struggle.
I'm also feeling lots of gratitude for the opportunity to be dancing this coming Sunday at the Sun and Salsa Festival here in my home town. I'll be dancing two numbers with fellow members of the Sizzle Girls. One dance has just five of us, and the other has 13 of us. It's been on my vision board to perform with the Sizzle Girls, yes, but the next step was to perform at a festival. And that's going to be happening! And I can't wait!
With Awakening Goddess, I've had positive responses from women who've I spoken with. I am so grateful and proud all at the same time to let you all know that I've been invited to speak/inspire/dance at an event here in my home town for women only. It's called "Heart Open to the Max" Ladies night on Aug. 5. To be in a room full of women, inspiring them to live their life to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power will be an amazing experience for me.
I am excited for this opportunity. There are so many people to thank along this journey. My dance teacher Di especially for teaching me everything I know about Burlesque dancing. My spiritual teachers Suzanne, Satyen, and the entire Sr. Staff team of WarriorSage for teaching me about living my passion, and how to figure out what my passion is. My parents who wish for me to be happy. Well you know what Mum and Dad? I AM happy. I am truly happy when I'm living my passion. To be dancing and inspiring other women to dance in this ride called life.
Where are you growing in your life? Where are you stuck and need a push? To grow is to have courage to step out of your comfort zone and live the way you want to live!
Find below a beautiful mini movie that I found on you-tube. It's all about growth and living! Very powerful!
On Monday I found out that I was to start my new job. I was training Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Today (Friday) I was back at the day care one last time. I miss the kids, but this will be a great step in my growth in the working realm of my life.
I loving my new job, it's going to be so great to be supporting families going through a struggle.
I'm also feeling lots of gratitude for the opportunity to be dancing this coming Sunday at the Sun and Salsa Festival here in my home town. I'll be dancing two numbers with fellow members of the Sizzle Girls. One dance has just five of us, and the other has 13 of us. It's been on my vision board to perform with the Sizzle Girls, yes, but the next step was to perform at a festival. And that's going to be happening! And I can't wait!
With Awakening Goddess, I've had positive responses from women who've I spoken with. I am so grateful and proud all at the same time to let you all know that I've been invited to speak/inspire/dance at an event here in my home town for women only. It's called "Heart Open to the Max" Ladies night on Aug. 5. To be in a room full of women, inspiring them to live their life to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power will be an amazing experience for me.
I am excited for this opportunity. There are so many people to thank along this journey. My dance teacher Di especially for teaching me everything I know about Burlesque dancing. My spiritual teachers Suzanne, Satyen, and the entire Sr. Staff team of WarriorSage for teaching me about living my passion, and how to figure out what my passion is. My parents who wish for me to be happy. Well you know what Mum and Dad? I AM happy. I am truly happy when I'm living my passion. To be dancing and inspiring other women to dance in this ride called life.
Where are you growing in your life? Where are you stuck and need a push? To grow is to have courage to step out of your comfort zone and live the way you want to live!
Find below a beautiful mini movie that I found on you-tube. It's all about growth and living! Very powerful!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Wisdom acquired
This quote came to my e-mail box this morning:
"When we freely use the wisdom acquired over the years to give thanks in all things, sorrows flee more quickly, joy is a daily guest, and growth is inevitable."
~ Sue Patton Thoele
It's an interesting one, I like it. Women are wise, and some don't realize how wise they actually are. If we women were to slow down and stop and be silent for a little while we would hear what our heart is really saying. I'm in a coffee cafe this morning, it's not silent, but I'm able to sit and listen to my heart.
I always give thanks for everything! I give thanks for the conversation I had this morning here in the cafe with a fellow patron of the cafe. I am thankful for so many things in my life! And I agree, that when we give thanks, and listen to our inner wisdom then magic can happen!
Growth/magic, lots of amazing things can happen when we use our inner wisdom, and give thanks! Also I'm finding myself being not as upset, or if I do, it leaves me more quickly.
We are all powerful beings, with lots of wisdom within us!
"When we freely use the wisdom acquired over the years to give thanks in all things, sorrows flee more quickly, joy is a daily guest, and growth is inevitable."
~ Sue Patton Thoele
It's an interesting one, I like it. Women are wise, and some don't realize how wise they actually are. If we women were to slow down and stop and be silent for a little while we would hear what our heart is really saying. I'm in a coffee cafe this morning, it's not silent, but I'm able to sit and listen to my heart.
I always give thanks for everything! I give thanks for the conversation I had this morning here in the cafe with a fellow patron of the cafe. I am thankful for so many things in my life! And I agree, that when we give thanks, and listen to our inner wisdom then magic can happen!
Growth/magic, lots of amazing things can happen when we use our inner wisdom, and give thanks! Also I'm finding myself being not as upset, or if I do, it leaves me more quickly.
We are all powerful beings, with lots of wisdom within us!
Monday, July 12, 2010
A poem by another....
Please find below a poem written by a Goddess who I had the privilege of calling one of my campers in 1999. She sent this to me tonight, she wrote it today. It speaks volume's of what she went through while attending the camp that I was her L.I.T. Counsellor. She had a tough time fitting in, she was 15. Find also her link to her on line community of writers. My camper's name is Emily.
Chameleon creeps
Silently and stealthily--
Fades into the grass
Scales transform to vital green,
Earth-toned underside.
Tiny forest clears
To sterile grey-beige expanse--
Riddled with valleys
Forged two feet apart,
With objective precision,
Of machinery.
Lizard's nose protrudes
Between thinning blades of grass--
Scopes out surroundings.
Wondrous eyes expand--
He enters foreign landscape
With trepidation.
Reptile forges on--
With heart and mind still unsure,
Body turns to beige.
Beady eyes gaze up--
Register abject terror--
Certain death awaits?
Massive rubber soles
Stampeding--cushioned thunder?
Stroll towards building.
Mingled voices break
The quiet of the morning--
Abrade atmosphere.
Group of preteen girls--
Gaggle of giggling giants,
Eyes like laser beams.
Sound in the distance--
Girl scurries haphazardly,
Clothes and hair askew.
Backpack dwarfs her frame,
Rapid, erratic breathing
Punctuates footsteps.
Yearning to catch up,
She struggles for the fringes--
"Friends" today? Who knows?
Queen Bee gazes back--
Nonchalant indifference
Mirrored in her eyes
Turns back to her friends--
Silent consensus ensues:
Lemming to transform!
Smirking manically,
Syrupy-sweet voices form
Superficial words.
New girl, still naive--
Astuteness not developed,
Happily joins group.
Following their cues,
Feigning interest in gossip,
As her conscience weeps.
Chameleon stares
Horrified at counterpart--
Must she conform too?
Do we really have to conform to what others want? To what society wants? We should be free to just live our lives as we want. To truly be happy and to let our heart sing. The so called "misfits", or "fringe dwellers" are seen as outcasts. But I bet if you were to look at what they are truly doing, they are amazing beings. Be proud of yourself! You are an amazing person, who is on this earth for a reason!
I came upon this video on you tube. I don't own the music or video. Listen to the words! Very inspirational!
Chameleon creeps
Silently and stealthily--
Fades into the grass
Scales transform to vital green,
Earth-toned underside.
Tiny forest clears
To sterile grey-beige expanse--
Riddled with valleys
Forged two feet apart,
With objective precision,
Of machinery.
Lizard's nose protrudes
Between thinning blades of grass--
Scopes out surroundings.
Wondrous eyes expand--
He enters foreign landscape
With trepidation.
Reptile forges on--
With heart and mind still unsure,
Body turns to beige.
Beady eyes gaze up--
Register abject terror--
Certain death awaits?
Massive rubber soles
Stampeding--cushioned thunder?
Stroll towards building.
Mingled voices break
The quiet of the morning--
Abrade atmosphere.
Group of preteen girls--
Gaggle of giggling giants,
Eyes like laser beams.
Sound in the distance--
Girl scurries haphazardly,
Clothes and hair askew.
Backpack dwarfs her frame,
Rapid, erratic breathing
Punctuates footsteps.
Yearning to catch up,
She struggles for the fringes--
"Friends" today? Who knows?
Queen Bee gazes back--
Nonchalant indifference
Mirrored in her eyes
Turns back to her friends--
Silent consensus ensues:
Lemming to transform!
Smirking manically,
Syrupy-sweet voices form
Superficial words.
New girl, still naive--
Astuteness not developed,
Happily joins group.
Following their cues,
Feigning interest in gossip,
As her conscience weeps.
Chameleon stares
Horrified at counterpart--
Must she conform too?
Do we really have to conform to what others want? To what society wants? We should be free to just live our lives as we want. To truly be happy and to let our heart sing. The so called "misfits", or "fringe dwellers" are seen as outcasts. But I bet if you were to look at what they are truly doing, they are amazing beings. Be proud of yourself! You are an amazing person, who is on this earth for a reason!
I came upon this video on you tube. I don't own the music or video. Listen to the words! Very inspirational!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A testimonial
A few months ago, I taught my first mini burlesque lesson for a group of Goddesses that I know. Here find below a testimonial from one of the Goddesses at the class!!
"I loved the burlesque class that Aime taught. It was lots of fun and we’ve learned quite a few tricks. She created a safe environment for all women to explore, experiment, learn and laugh. No one was left out, regardless of previous experience, age, body shape or confidence level. She didn’t push, but gently encouraged us to try the new steps we learned. I had no previous burlesque experience, but I felt absolutely comfortable trying out different routines. I left that class feeling very feminine. I was inspired. The energy was very supportive and loving, we were dancing, laughing and just having a wonderful time. Thank you, Aime, I’d love to take another class with you."
I feel blessed and humbled by the share from this Goddess. I am a magical creator! I thank you all so much for your support and love!
"I loved the burlesque class that Aime taught. It was lots of fun and we’ve learned quite a few tricks. She created a safe environment for all women to explore, experiment, learn and laugh. No one was left out, regardless of previous experience, age, body shape or confidence level. She didn’t push, but gently encouraged us to try the new steps we learned. I had no previous burlesque experience, but I felt absolutely comfortable trying out different routines. I left that class feeling very feminine. I was inspired. The energy was very supportive and loving, we were dancing, laughing and just having a wonderful time. Thank you, Aime, I’d love to take another class with you."
I feel blessed and humbled by the share from this Goddess. I am a magical creator! I thank you all so much for your support and love!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Land of Opportunity is an Attitude!
"The Land of Opportunity is an attitude. It is an openness to new ideas, a willingness to listen, an eagerness to learn, a desire to grow, and the flexibility to change." ~ BJ Gallagher
Wow!!! This quote came to me at the perfect time, I want to share it with you! Within the organization that I work at, I have a new job starting soon. I think life is all about the land of opportunity, or as I also like to call it, a door of opportunity. It's like the universe is a huge catalogue! Do you have a vision board? Or do you have lists of what you want in life? Or at least have you day dreamed about what you want in life?
The door of opportunity is totally an attitude. Being open to accept new things. I just accepted a new job that I didn't even officially apply for. I had applied for one position, and my boss thought I would be more suited for another one. I listened to what she said. I have a desire to grow within the organization where I work, and I am flexible!
Many different teachers express that your thoughts become things. So think good thoughts! I've been trying to remain in a positive state. Being open to the universe and to say YES!
Wow!!! This quote came to me at the perfect time, I want to share it with you! Within the organization that I work at, I have a new job starting soon. I think life is all about the land of opportunity, or as I also like to call it, a door of opportunity. It's like the universe is a huge catalogue! Do you have a vision board? Or do you have lists of what you want in life? Or at least have you day dreamed about what you want in life?
The door of opportunity is totally an attitude. Being open to accept new things. I just accepted a new job that I didn't even officially apply for. I had applied for one position, and my boss thought I would be more suited for another one. I listened to what she said. I have a desire to grow within the organization where I work, and I am flexible!
Many different teachers express that your thoughts become things. So think good thoughts! I've been trying to remain in a positive state. Being open to the universe and to say YES!
Monday, July 5, 2010
An afternoon by the river
So the other day on the weekend I spent a good portion of my time outside of the city sitting by the river out towards Canmore. Find below all my ramblings. Included in it are tarot/oracle readings and a poem that I wrote. Enjoy! When was the last time you spent 5hrs sitting alone in silence (for the most part) on Mother Earth??
I've come back to the same spot off the #1A Highway. It is very windy this afternoon. The ancestors must be busy or are glad that I am back. I'm at peace sitting out here on Mother Earth. I see all the swallows dive close to the river and it reminds me of being at Camp Adelaide my "home" Girl Guide Camp back in Ontario. It was always calming/peaceful to watch them swoop along the lake before all the kids would come in the morning.
There is one swallow that keeps on calling to me, she's along the shore line right now and pecking at the water. (As I sit here now blogging this post, I looked up the meaning of the swallow bird, it means coming home)
My intention is to stay out here over night. I did bring my sleeping bag and food. So we shall see. I have some oracle cards and stones with me as well.
Goddess Oracle Cards = I shuffled the deck and four fell out. I read it as the four body systems. Find below my readings
Spiritual Body = Maya (illusion)
Mental Body = Rhiannon (doubt)
Emotional Body = Morgan Le Fay (rhythms)
Physical Body = Nu Kua (order)
Goddess Amulets (stones) = Temple (Breakthrough, Awakening, Healing) I found this stone very interesting. I loved the reading from it. It talked about healing myself my physical health, to take time to get back to nature go for massages, go inward, to go into my body, to not do anything crazy physical activity/workout. I feel very drawn to the amulet right now. As I sit here and write this blog. It's like going through the doorway to being me, to living my dreams.
The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards = 36 = Sacred Journey Markers = Movement = Change for the better.
Osho Zen Tarot = Queen of Clouds = Morality
I went in the river. She was cold. I went in eventually up to my mid calves's. Glad I brought my Teva's. Had them on in the river.
I asked Mother Gaea to cleanse me, to take all the sickness away. I could feel the current against my legs. I could feel her against my skin. Her cool water healing me.
I did the yoga pose called "The Goddess" while in the water. I spoke aloud the 21st Century Goddess Mantra. I kept my eyes open when I did this. I actually struggled to do so. Felling like I was vulnerable in staying in that position. But I stayed with it. Find below a poem I wrote:
Yemaya I surrender to you.
Yemaya I surrender to your flow.
I let the waters heal me.
Yemaya wash away my pain.
Yemaya Mother ocean I come to you.
I enter your watery womb
with compassion and seeking renewal.
Yemaya I surrender to you.
Yemaya Mother ocean you are powerful.
Yemaya Mother Ocean you created your Sister Gaea.
Both of you have created me.
Yemaya I surrender to you.
Yemaya I surrender to your flow.
I let your waters heal me,
and birth me anew.
Still here sitting on Mother Goddess Earth. I feel very connected to spirit as the sun has been traveling across the sky today. However the thunder clouds are gathering in the West. I feel it's time for me to journey back to the city very soon. As well as another couple has found me out and I'm no longer alone. He is fishing, and she I'm guessing will be assisting him.
I have really enjoyed my afternoon/evening out here. I must do this again soon. Maybe there's another magic spot along the highway that I can sit on Mother Earth again by the river too.
I've come back to the same spot off the #1A Highway. It is very windy this afternoon. The ancestors must be busy or are glad that I am back. I'm at peace sitting out here on Mother Earth. I see all the swallows dive close to the river and it reminds me of being at Camp Adelaide my "home" Girl Guide Camp back in Ontario. It was always calming/peaceful to watch them swoop along the lake before all the kids would come in the morning.
There is one swallow that keeps on calling to me, she's along the shore line right now and pecking at the water. (As I sit here now blogging this post, I looked up the meaning of the swallow bird, it means coming home)
My intention is to stay out here over night. I did bring my sleeping bag and food. So we shall see. I have some oracle cards and stones with me as well.
Goddess Oracle Cards = I shuffled the deck and four fell out. I read it as the four body systems. Find below my readings
Spiritual Body = Maya (illusion)
Mental Body = Rhiannon (doubt)
Emotional Body = Morgan Le Fay (rhythms)
Physical Body = Nu Kua (order)
Goddess Amulets (stones) = Temple (Breakthrough, Awakening, Healing) I found this stone very interesting. I loved the reading from it. It talked about healing myself my physical health, to take time to get back to nature go for massages, go inward, to go into my body, to not do anything crazy physical activity/workout. I feel very drawn to the amulet right now. As I sit here and write this blog. It's like going through the doorway to being me, to living my dreams.
The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards = 36 = Sacred Journey Markers = Movement = Change for the better.
Osho Zen Tarot = Queen of Clouds = Morality
I went in the river. She was cold. I went in eventually up to my mid calves's. Glad I brought my Teva's. Had them on in the river.
I asked Mother Gaea to cleanse me, to take all the sickness away. I could feel the current against my legs. I could feel her against my skin. Her cool water healing me.
I did the yoga pose called "The Goddess" while in the water. I spoke aloud the 21st Century Goddess Mantra. I kept my eyes open when I did this. I actually struggled to do so. Felling like I was vulnerable in staying in that position. But I stayed with it. Find below a poem I wrote:
Yemaya I surrender to you.
Yemaya I surrender to your flow.
I let the waters heal me.
Yemaya wash away my pain.
Yemaya Mother ocean I come to you.
I enter your watery womb
with compassion and seeking renewal.
Yemaya I surrender to you.
Yemaya Mother ocean you are powerful.
Yemaya Mother Ocean you created your Sister Gaea.
Both of you have created me.
Yemaya I surrender to you.
Yemaya I surrender to your flow.
I let your waters heal me,
and birth me anew.
Still here sitting on Mother Goddess Earth. I feel very connected to spirit as the sun has been traveling across the sky today. However the thunder clouds are gathering in the West. I feel it's time for me to journey back to the city very soon. As well as another couple has found me out and I'm no longer alone. He is fishing, and she I'm guessing will be assisting him.
I have really enjoyed my afternoon/evening out here. I must do this again soon. Maybe there's another magic spot along the highway that I can sit on Mother Earth again by the river too.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Ask for what you deserve!

Goddesses! Sisters! Women everywhere!!! Stop being meek and ask for what you deserve!
I got into an argument with the doctor tonight at the clinic. I went back to see him because he was supposed to refill my antibiotics but didn't. I told him that he only put 7 days on the script but when we were talking last week he said 14 days. He wouldn't write me another script though, even with speaking my truth about the situation. And then he thought the size of the lotion medication I was also there to get more of, he thought it only came in the one size, but I've seen bigger tubes of the same medication. I was getting so frustrated. I almost brought out my "Kali" Goddess. Kali is a Hindu Goddess who would get so angry that she would cut the heads off of the men around her that weren't on purpose, among other things.
I am proud of myself to speaking my truth and asking for what I rightly deserved! I deserve to be healthy, and if at this moment some medications from the medical field will help me in this so be it. But when it's not given to me when I've asked for it there's a problem!
I'm to the point where I am choosing to find a new doctor. I did ask the ladies at the front desk about other clinics. They did say to hold on for a month or so, there is a new female doctor starting in August. So I agreed. I will just have to wait and see.
So where in your life have you not asked for what you deserve? Why are you still playing the "nice girl"? Are you afraid that you'll look weird? Get laughed at? Be told to be quiet? This was a great lesson and accomplishment for me, to realize to stand in my power to speak my truth and ask for what I know I deserve!
Growing up, I wasn't allowed to have a temper tantrum. I remember being told by my parents "Don't be like *Sally*, don't cause a scene." I was to be the "nice girl".
Well now screw that! I can be a "nice girl" yes. But I also can get angry and show my anger when appropriate. As Sierra Bender says in her mantra: "Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness, and don't ever take me for granted."
I leave you tonight with this video from You-Tube. The theme song from the Olympics here in Canada this past winter. The words of the song are very powerful.
I Believe music official video
Friday, June 25, 2010
Reconnecting to Spirit and the Great Mother
Tonight I decided to go for a walk, well the walk ended up as a drive. I found myself driving out one of the highways west towards the mountains. I pulled over along the highway, I sat by the river and did some practices of reflection and meditation. Find below my reflections:
I'm out in the sanctuary of the Mother goddess. Mother Earth herself. I've found a spot off the highway. It's right on the Bow River. I sit surrounded by the wild grass and the rocks at the bank of the river. Across the river are pine tree's. I can hear the songs of Mother Goddess. The birds and the lapping water on the rocks. Near by there is also a little stream and a little waterfall.
Looking across the river at the stand of trees I can begin to see faces in the trees. I have come "home" to part of my body, my spirit body. I feel I can rest here. The faces in the trees are friendly. They stand tall and straight. Reminding me that I am able to stand tall but also move with the way the wind wants me to bend.
The flow of the water reminds me of exactly that. To let myself flow with the energies of Mother Earth. To trust that She will guide me on the right path. And she'll let me know when I'm not.
Oh Great Mother I see you
Oh Great Mother I feel you
Hold me gently with your arms so wide
Guide me through, I'll be at your side.
I'll listen, to your wisdom.
Oh Great Mother I see you
Oh Great Mother I feel you.
To come back to nature and sit in the arms of the Great Mother is something I'll keep doing. To sit in the silence and listen to her voice, to spirit. I know my path of inspiring women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty and grace will also heal me.
My ego has been quiet this entire time. The "itty bitty shitty committee" has not come up at all while sitting on the Great Mother by the river. I feel at peace, calm, relaxed and connected to all my dreams. Seeing them come into reality.
I am love, I am a divine Goddess who moves like the ocean with all her emotions.
"I am feminine.
I am sensual.
I am sexual.
I am powerful.
Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness, and don't EVER take me for granted!" ~ Sierra Bender
On the way home, I saw the beautiful moon arising for the night, full and beautiful. It was a wonderful experience to see her rise above me as I came back to the city.
I'm out in the sanctuary of the Mother goddess. Mother Earth herself. I've found a spot off the highway. It's right on the Bow River. I sit surrounded by the wild grass and the rocks at the bank of the river. Across the river are pine tree's. I can hear the songs of Mother Goddess. The birds and the lapping water on the rocks. Near by there is also a little stream and a little waterfall.
Looking across the river at the stand of trees I can begin to see faces in the trees. I have come "home" to part of my body, my spirit body. I feel I can rest here. The faces in the trees are friendly. They stand tall and straight. Reminding me that I am able to stand tall but also move with the way the wind wants me to bend.
The flow of the water reminds me of exactly that. To let myself flow with the energies of Mother Earth. To trust that She will guide me on the right path. And she'll let me know when I'm not.
Oh Great Mother I see you
Oh Great Mother I feel you
Hold me gently with your arms so wide
Guide me through, I'll be at your side.
I'll listen, to your wisdom.
Oh Great Mother I see you
Oh Great Mother I feel you.
To come back to nature and sit in the arms of the Great Mother is something I'll keep doing. To sit in the silence and listen to her voice, to spirit. I know my path of inspiring women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty and grace will also heal me.
My ego has been quiet this entire time. The "itty bitty shitty committee" has not come up at all while sitting on the Great Mother by the river. I feel at peace, calm, relaxed and connected to all my dreams. Seeing them come into reality.
I am love, I am a divine Goddess who moves like the ocean with all her emotions.
"I am feminine.
I am sensual.
I am sexual.
I am powerful.
Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness, and don't EVER take me for granted!" ~ Sierra Bender
On the way home, I saw the beautiful moon arising for the night, full and beautiful. It was a wonderful experience to see her rise above me as I came back to the city.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Doctor's don't always know...
Okay, so tonight I was back at the doctor's to find out the test results from the test that I had on Friday. I have a bacteria infection in my stomach. I asked how did it happen to the doctor. His response? He didn't know, it was one of those "medical mysteries".
I could have gotten it anywhere. From stress, lack of sleep, from one of the kids at my day care, from the person in line at the grocery store. Or a combo of all of the above!
I think part of the message from my body to me was to slow down and rest! I go go go so much, that I don't take time to slow down and rest. It was kind of like a "hit to the head" with a rock, not a very big one, but still enough to make me stop and think. As well as listen to my body, I knew something wasn't right with it, so I went looking for help. Yes it was medical help, which is needed in the world, but I could have gone and asked for other kinds of help.
I'm reading an amazing book by an amazing Goddess, her name is Sierra Bender, she has a book out that I highly recommend for all Goddesses to read. It's called "Goddess to the Core", it's a fitness book for all four of the bodies. The emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical bodies.
There are many gems in this book that I might blog about every now and then. Right now, it's the message of slow down. Get out into nature as well, we had a pretty wicked rain storm today and yesterday. As I was walking to my car both times after the rain I said out loud "Thank you Mother Earth!" The rain smell was so intense, it was a wonderful smell. Today even I saw a double rainbow. It was so pretty!
The part that I'm reading is about the mental body. Lots of it has to do with the ego. That little "internal editor" or as Sierra likes to call it the "itty bitty shitty committee". (IBSC) I still deal with my own IBSC, every now and then, it's not as bad now. When I do hear it talking to me, I say thank you and then give it a job. Yesterday it came up while at dance practice. I was having body self love issues. It's job for me was to go and find something to clean my pink dye off of my body with (I got hot pink dye on me from the boa).
So yes, doctor's don't always know everything, they are sometimes still learning about the different illnesses, diseases, infections that can happen to people.
But what are you doing? Are you listening to your body? Do you hear the little taps on your head? Or are you waiting for the big two by four log to whack you on the head? I had the "in between" the road tap this time, but I have had the two by four log as well.
I could have gotten it anywhere. From stress, lack of sleep, from one of the kids at my day care, from the person in line at the grocery store. Or a combo of all of the above!
I think part of the message from my body to me was to slow down and rest! I go go go so much, that I don't take time to slow down and rest. It was kind of like a "hit to the head" with a rock, not a very big one, but still enough to make me stop and think. As well as listen to my body, I knew something wasn't right with it, so I went looking for help. Yes it was medical help, which is needed in the world, but I could have gone and asked for other kinds of help.
I'm reading an amazing book by an amazing Goddess, her name is Sierra Bender, she has a book out that I highly recommend for all Goddesses to read. It's called "Goddess to the Core", it's a fitness book for all four of the bodies. The emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical bodies.
There are many gems in this book that I might blog about every now and then. Right now, it's the message of slow down. Get out into nature as well, we had a pretty wicked rain storm today and yesterday. As I was walking to my car both times after the rain I said out loud "Thank you Mother Earth!" The rain smell was so intense, it was a wonderful smell. Today even I saw a double rainbow. It was so pretty!
The part that I'm reading is about the mental body. Lots of it has to do with the ego. That little "internal editor" or as Sierra likes to call it the "itty bitty shitty committee". (IBSC) I still deal with my own IBSC, every now and then, it's not as bad now. When I do hear it talking to me, I say thank you and then give it a job. Yesterday it came up while at dance practice. I was having body self love issues. It's job for me was to go and find something to clean my pink dye off of my body with (I got hot pink dye on me from the boa).
So yes, doctor's don't always know everything, they are sometimes still learning about the different illnesses, diseases, infections that can happen to people.
But what are you doing? Are you listening to your body? Do you hear the little taps on your head? Or are you waiting for the big two by four log to whack you on the head? I had the "in between" the road tap this time, but I have had the two by four log as well.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Unleashing Your Inner Magnificence
I have come across a web site that was looking for submissions by women for articles about personal awakening. If selected my story would be published in their e-book, called Unleashing your Inner Magnificence. The website is:
So find below the article that I wrote, I am a powerful Goddess, a Warrior Goddess when the time is needed.
I’ve been doing personal growth work for a few years now. I've completed workshops such as working on myself in many different areas for example, relationships, inner self, and so on. But nothing prepared me for a course that I took a few years ago. It was where I truly realized my own awakening, power and strength.
It was July 2007, I was about to embark on the course Awakening of the WarriorSage. It would be 5 days of being out in the mountains, living in a “world” of Camelot, where men were knights, and women were priestesses. Each day there would be an activity for each group to partake in, that would bring us closer to realizing our own awakening.
Okay I thought how is this going to work? What sort of activities will we be doing? Well, was I in for the ride of my life! The first day we were tested by the element of Fire, sitting through a very hot activity, I never knew I could sweat that much! I laughed with my group and saying that if we can handle this, we can handle anything. And boy was I right!
The second day of activities we were tested by the element of Water. In this activity there was some cliff jumping involved. I jumped off the first cliff with little problem. The second one however, was more challenging. It took me a long time to get up the courage to stand at that cliff and jump. One of the leaders looked at me and asked what was I jumping into our away from? I said that I am jumping into my power, and own strength. Never would I have known that jumping into that would I need it so soon.
The final day of the activities our group was tested in the element of Earth. I was thinking, Earth, ok...nature walk? Team building challenge course in the woods? No I was way off the mark on this one. We were led back into the main meeting hall where we had to sit in silence. It was 5 hours of pure hell. I cried the entire time. I had memories/flash backs of an abusive relationship. We were put through situations and activities that I really didn’t want to go through. However I pushed through found my own inner strength inside me, as well as a powerful Warrior Goddess from deep within myself. I connected to Mother Earth, drew upon her energy and came out the other side feeling a sense of knowing my own strength and personal power.
On the final day we had a big gala celebration. Our group did a skit of the week’s events, when we came to the portion of the Earth Element I got up in front of everyone there, staff, and fellow participants and grounded myself, took a huge deep breath and yelled very loud “I am strong, I do have power!”. The entire room erupted into cheers and applause.
It was here at the Awakening of the WarriorSage especially the Earth element that I had my personal awakening, I was able to finally realize that I am powerful, that I am strong. I live my days now with a confidence that no one can ever take from me again! There’s a quote by an amazing Goddess Warrior that I wish to share, it’s from Sierra Bender the founder of Goddess Boot camp, and the author of Goddess to the Core “I am feminine. I am sensual. I am sexual. I am powerful. Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness and don't ever take me for granted."
I am a powerful Goddess; the Warrior Goddess in me can come out when she needs to. I will fight for my loved ones and never give up in anything that I do ever again!
So find below the article that I wrote, I am a powerful Goddess, a Warrior Goddess when the time is needed.
I’ve been doing personal growth work for a few years now. I've completed workshops such as working on myself in many different areas for example, relationships, inner self, and so on. But nothing prepared me for a course that I took a few years ago. It was where I truly realized my own awakening, power and strength.
It was July 2007, I was about to embark on the course Awakening of the WarriorSage. It would be 5 days of being out in the mountains, living in a “world” of Camelot, where men were knights, and women were priestesses. Each day there would be an activity for each group to partake in, that would bring us closer to realizing our own awakening.
Okay I thought how is this going to work? What sort of activities will we be doing? Well, was I in for the ride of my life! The first day we were tested by the element of Fire, sitting through a very hot activity, I never knew I could sweat that much! I laughed with my group and saying that if we can handle this, we can handle anything. And boy was I right!
The second day of activities we were tested by the element of Water. In this activity there was some cliff jumping involved. I jumped off the first cliff with little problem. The second one however, was more challenging. It took me a long time to get up the courage to stand at that cliff and jump. One of the leaders looked at me and asked what was I jumping into our away from? I said that I am jumping into my power, and own strength. Never would I have known that jumping into that would I need it so soon.
The final day of the activities our group was tested in the element of Earth. I was thinking, Earth, ok...nature walk? Team building challenge course in the woods? No I was way off the mark on this one. We were led back into the main meeting hall where we had to sit in silence. It was 5 hours of pure hell. I cried the entire time. I had memories/flash backs of an abusive relationship. We were put through situations and activities that I really didn’t want to go through. However I pushed through found my own inner strength inside me, as well as a powerful Warrior Goddess from deep within myself. I connected to Mother Earth, drew upon her energy and came out the other side feeling a sense of knowing my own strength and personal power.
On the final day we had a big gala celebration. Our group did a skit of the week’s events, when we came to the portion of the Earth Element I got up in front of everyone there, staff, and fellow participants and grounded myself, took a huge deep breath and yelled very loud “I am strong, I do have power!”. The entire room erupted into cheers and applause.
It was here at the Awakening of the WarriorSage especially the Earth element that I had my personal awakening, I was able to finally realize that I am powerful, that I am strong. I live my days now with a confidence that no one can ever take from me again! There’s a quote by an amazing Goddess Warrior that I wish to share, it’s from Sierra Bender the founder of Goddess Boot camp, and the author of Goddess to the Core “I am feminine. I am sensual. I am sexual. I am powerful. Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness and don't ever take me for granted."
I am a powerful Goddess; the Warrior Goddess in me can come out when she needs to. I will fight for my loved ones and never give up in anything that I do ever again!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
don't judge the book by the cover!
Okay, Something has been bugging me for a while now, and I'm finally going to blog about it. I'm off sick today, was at the doctor's this morning. My symptoms?? Queasy feeling for the past few days, and tired, really tired. What's your first though on what's wrong with me??? Come on now, be honest!....Pregnant?? Right??
Well NO!!!! I'm not pregnant!!!
The doctor even asked me three times today. I almost lost it on him. Yes, I'm 33, never had sex! When I told him that he finally backed off.
Who knows what I have going on inside me! There are plenty other illnesses that women can have that may also be signs of being pregnant. I'm not going to think about it. I'm just going for some tests on Friday to figure out what is going on.
There are other illnesses like that. For example if you were to see someone on the street or at a bar, they are slurring their words, stumbling over their feet, and not making any sense when they talk. What would you think? Drunk right? Well, they could actually be, but on the other hand, they could have a head injury, going into a diabetic emergency, or even going into an epileptic emergency.
Many people in the world are quick to judge others. And this really has to stop! It really pisses me off that some others in the world judge others before getting to know them. Get to know a person before making judgements on them. Some of my best friends live with illnesses or disabilities! I know many have heard the quote "Don't judge the book by the cover." Well take it to heart!
All the world needs is love, we should love each other, not judge each other!
Well NO!!!! I'm not pregnant!!!
The doctor even asked me three times today. I almost lost it on him. Yes, I'm 33, never had sex! When I told him that he finally backed off.
Who knows what I have going on inside me! There are plenty other illnesses that women can have that may also be signs of being pregnant. I'm not going to think about it. I'm just going for some tests on Friday to figure out what is going on.
There are other illnesses like that. For example if you were to see someone on the street or at a bar, they are slurring their words, stumbling over their feet, and not making any sense when they talk. What would you think? Drunk right? Well, they could actually be, but on the other hand, they could have a head injury, going into a diabetic emergency, or even going into an epileptic emergency.
Many people in the world are quick to judge others. And this really has to stop! It really pisses me off that some others in the world judge others before getting to know them. Get to know a person before making judgements on them. Some of my best friends live with illnesses or disabilities! I know many have heard the quote "Don't judge the book by the cover." Well take it to heart!
All the world needs is love, we should love each other, not judge each other!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
To be alive be alive is something I am very grateful for. This quote came to my e-mail box this morning, I find it quite fitting! "I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it." ~ Rita Mae Brown
What does that really mean though? To be alive and enjoy life? I want to encourage you to make a list of what you like to do, and then follow through on it! What makes you happy? As I've said here on this blog before, what makes your heart sing? Put those things on your list! You don't have to do everything on your list every day, but maybe pick one or maybe two things to do. It can be simple or elaborate as you wish. If having a cup of tea makes you happy and it's something you enjoy, then do it!
To enjoy life....what a wonderful idea! I love enjoying life! I'm doing something right now that I have been wanting to do, and have now done it three times, and hope to make this more of a regular theme in my life. To be sitting at a coffee cafe here in Calgary writing on my blog. I like the atmosphere, people watching, and the vanilla bean latte with a bagel has been wonderful.
I'm creating the perfect day for myself. First sitting here in the cafe, next I think I might go for a walk by the river. Later I'm going to a social dance, getting all dressed up and going out to have some fun! And I started out my weekend, last night by volunteering for St. John Ambulance. I love volunteering as well. To give something back to the city that I call home. The event that I was at, was the music of Billy Joel, performed by a cover band called Jeans N Classics, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra was there back up music. It was a great concert! Here is there blog!
To be fully awake and not on auto pilot is to do things that make you happy. It also may challenge you a bit, but I know that the universe doesn't put things in front of you that you can't handle. Trust me, I've had some curve balls thrown my way and I've always come out on the other side stronger and more awake then before.
For example if any of the women reading this blog and are in Calgary, wish to learn the art of Burlesque dancing, please I invite you to contact me. I wish to inspire you to be fully who you are and accept your own wisdom, beauty, and grace, through the art of Burlesque dancing. It will be filled with lots of laughter and ease.
See below three pictures that I had done while at the Brazilian Burlesque Gala on May 7th. These amazing photo's were taken by Impressive Photography. You can check out there website here! These pictures are the ones that I ordered. I will be doing another full photo shoot with them in a couple of months. I can't wait!

What does that really mean though? To be alive and enjoy life? I want to encourage you to make a list of what you like to do, and then follow through on it! What makes you happy? As I've said here on this blog before, what makes your heart sing? Put those things on your list! You don't have to do everything on your list every day, but maybe pick one or maybe two things to do. It can be simple or elaborate as you wish. If having a cup of tea makes you happy and it's something you enjoy, then do it!
To enjoy life....what a wonderful idea! I love enjoying life! I'm doing something right now that I have been wanting to do, and have now done it three times, and hope to make this more of a regular theme in my life. To be sitting at a coffee cafe here in Calgary writing on my blog. I like the atmosphere, people watching, and the vanilla bean latte with a bagel has been wonderful.
I'm creating the perfect day for myself. First sitting here in the cafe, next I think I might go for a walk by the river. Later I'm going to a social dance, getting all dressed up and going out to have some fun! And I started out my weekend, last night by volunteering for St. John Ambulance. I love volunteering as well. To give something back to the city that I call home. The event that I was at, was the music of Billy Joel, performed by a cover band called Jeans N Classics, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra was there back up music. It was a great concert! Here is there blog!
To be fully awake and not on auto pilot is to do things that make you happy. It also may challenge you a bit, but I know that the universe doesn't put things in front of you that you can't handle. Trust me, I've had some curve balls thrown my way and I've always come out on the other side stronger and more awake then before.
For example if any of the women reading this blog and are in Calgary, wish to learn the art of Burlesque dancing, please I invite you to contact me. I wish to inspire you to be fully who you are and accept your own wisdom, beauty, and grace, through the art of Burlesque dancing. It will be filled with lots of laughter and ease.
See below three pictures that I had done while at the Brazilian Burlesque Gala on May 7th. These amazing photo's were taken by Impressive Photography. You can check out there website here! These pictures are the ones that I ordered. I will be doing another full photo shoot with them in a couple of months. I can't wait!

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