Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mix it up!

So today I decided to venture out of my apartment to a different coffee shop.  I am still at a Second Cup, but a different one.  I also decided to try a different latte, it's Maple flavour!  Very yummy!! 

That got me often do you change your routine?  Do you go to work/school the same way every day? 

When's the last time you tried something new?  Even if it's just a different kind of tea that you've not had before?  I know if I had not tried the Bengal Spice tea (the one with the tiger on the box) I would not have fallen in love with it.

Same with trying the new style of dance, trying the Burlesque dance was something way new for me.  A totally different style of dance for me.  Growing up learning classical ballet, to burlesque is quite the switch!  If I hadn't started dance with my amazing teacher Di I wouldn't have found my purpose for the world, and not created Awakening Goddess

Is it because of fear that others don't try new things?  Possibly, the unknown can be very scary for some.  I know it is for me.  It's like jumping off of a cliff into a river, I don't know how I will land, if I will recover from the jump, and how I will float down the river.  But I take a big deep breath and jump anyway.

Life is like a river or roller coaster.  It has it's ups and downs, or as the river, it has it's fast moving currents, rapids, and also slow flowing parts.  It's all wonderful, it's all apart of life. 

So I want to encourage you to mix it up!  Try something new!  You might really enjoy it, or not.  But if you don't try you won't know if you like something or not.

Find below a video of a song I found on you-tube.  I do not own the video or the music, it's just something I found and wanted to share with you!

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