An interesting thought came into my mind just a minute ago, and I found it quite interesting. Maybe an idea for a book?? The thought is: Thank you for laying me off! Above you will see myself in two different pictures, the top one I'm with the amazing Jodi, and the second one I'm with the amazing Bonnie, they are from Green Learning Academy.
In April of 2008, I was working at the amazing school of Green Learning Academy a private school that prides itself on teaching your child how to think, not what to think.
I worked there for the first 3/4 of the school year, then due to budget reasons the school had to either lay off 3 of their aide's for the class rooms or shut the doors to the school. And of course the school chose to lay off three of us. It was a sad day for all involved.
I cried, yelled (later in my car) and was very sad. I loved working for the school, my co-workers and supervisors were all amazing.
However as time passed, I've come to the realization that being laid off from Green Learning Academy was the best thing that could have happened for me.
I've worked at a couple of different jobs, with two different agencies. One was strictly a before/after school care. And then for the past year and a half, I've been with Metis Calgary Family Services. For the first year I was apart of the day care staff, and then in July of this year, I became apart of the Aboriginal Parent Link team. This switch has been wonderful. I now help families who are in need of provisions such as diapers, formula for their babies.
I've also had amazing opportunities within work to attend some great seminars, workshops, and have had valuable time with a few of the Elders in the community. I am also the representative for our organization at the Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network. It's been great connecting with other agencies who work with families/individuals who are affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Away from work "life" I've continued to dance, and am apart of the Sizzle Girls performing our show pieces at different events. I continue to grow and expand my dance experience every day.
This past summer I took a huge leap and officially started my own business Awakening Goddess! Women appear to be interested in the business and I've had a great growing opportunities and networking opportunities with in it. Such as being apart of the Women Embracing Brilliance event, being on a blog talk Internet radio show, and doing mini sessions of Awakening Goddess for friends.
I thank everyone for the support and thank you to the Green Learning Academy for laying me off! It's been a great gift in my life!
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