What does it mean to be wealthy? Does it mean lots of money? Does it mean to spend lots of money?
To me wealthy means lots of things. Yes partly wealthy mean to have money and be able to spend it. But more importantly being wealthy means to live in abundance in all areas of life. I am feeling so abundant right now. I have many wonderful friends that are amazing. I have a great family who I love. And I have a fun job that I enjoy!
I am grateful for all the abundance in my life right now. I feel so wealthy! I live in a great area of the city I live in. I am close to great little shops and this fabulous tea house where I am sitting. Enjoying a great chocolate mint tea! I'm on my second pot of tea! It's wonderful! I feel so amazing. And the lady who works here just went and filled my pot again! Wow!!
I feel abundant in my work place too, I have many different things I do at work, and I also have times to be creative, making posters and bulletin boards!
I feel abundant because of the amazing friends I have here in Calgary and across the country and world! I have friends who I can call at 3am for support. Friends that love me for me, and can see past all my shells or masks that I can wear. I can celebrate with them, cry with them, and just be me with them.
I love my family as well! My Mum and Dad are great. And my Sister is amazing! My little nephew is just a joy, and my brother in law is so supportive of Aren!
I am wealthy because I am healthy! I have no major illnesses to speak of at this moment, and that is a very good thing!
Where in your life do you see yourself wealthy? And if it's not in every area of your life why not?? You are wealthy!
Find below a little movie that I found on you-tube. All about abundance!
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