Friday, October 8, 2010


So I've had a couple of really busy weeks.  Been really up and down emotionally too.  Last week I got to see and have all the pictures taken at my boudoir photo shoot with Impressive Photography.  I saw the pictures and didn't recognize myself in a bunch of  them.  It didn't look like me at all!

Find below at the end of this blog a picture or two of my favourites!  I have many favourites!  Enjoy!

I am blown away by the responses I've been getting on facebook of the photo's.  I feel very blessed!!

I also had the wonderful pleasure last night attending a beautiful event called Women Embracing Brilliance!  Wow!  What an experience it was!!  I was in the company of some amazing brilliant women!  Even one of my child hood hero's!  Growing up in our family we would watch the Olympics, both summer and winter, to the point where that was all that was on the TV.  I remember watching the 1988 summer Olympics.  We watched the synchronized swimming portion, I saw the duo Canadian team do their routine.  I remember thinking I wanted to meet those athletes!   I was so moved by their gold medal performance, that I wrote a story about competing in the Olympics as a syncro swimmer and winning gold.  And I finally got to meet one of them last night!  I kept thinking I know this woman, then I heard who she was and what sport she used to compete in, and it all clicked!  I knew her from watching her on TV those many many years ago!  It was so amazing to finally meet her!  She is an amazing brilliant woman!

Going into the event last night, I did not know what to expect.  I knew it would be a group of women in one room, but what was going to happen I had no clue.  And that was a risk for me, to step into the event not knowing really anyone that was going, or so I thought.  I knew of a couple yes but when I got there, I knew more than I thought!  It was wonderful.  Hearing 3 stories from the heart from 3 amazing women was so uplifting.

I connected with many women, traded business cards for Awakening Goddess, did a 1 minute promo video for Awakening Goddess and was on cloud nine for most of the night!  One Goddess that I connected with I've known for a few years now.  She told me something that I thank her profusely for.  She looked into my eyes and my heart and said that I am a writer, to keep on writing/blogging.  I connected back with her and was amazed at what she had just told me.

I couldn't believe it, me a writer?  Are you serious?  Growing up I was diagnosed with border line learning disabilities, low level of grammar, spelling and comprehension.  Was told things like I'll never spell well at all, and writing would always be difficult for me.

So NO!  I'm shedding that mask that was put on me growing up.  Even during my adult life, I was "ordered" by an old employer to take a grammar course to become better at writing for my reports.  They said my writing wasn't were it needed to be.  It was humiliating, I thought I was communicating quite well in my reports that I had to write.  They weren't huge reports either. 

So I will continue to keep on blogging.  Maybe one day, they might appear in a book some where, some how.  I am choosing to write, I am choosing to do things that I've been told in the past that I can't do something.  Hey!  Even the best writers in the world still get their work edited!

I can and I will continue to dance, even when my Mum had told me many years ago that I don't look like a dancer and I should stop.

I will continue to teach and inspire women through dance, even when I've been told by others that to be a teacher you need a "diploma" to be seen as a teacher.

I will continue to live!  Even when my Mum and Dad were told 35 years ago that I will not live past 24hrs right after I was born.  I just turned 34 a couple of days ago!  So there medical professionals!

What will you do today that you've been told you can't, or you're not good at ______?

Embrace your power!  You can do it!


Jennifer Cockton said...

Aime You Inspire Me!
Looking forward to that One on One Dance Lesson!!

Aime said...

Thanks Jenn!! Wow! I inspire you?! Thank you!! How do I inspire you?
When would you like that one on one dance lesson??

Lee said...

Dear Goddess Aime!

You are such a radiant, beautiful spirit! I LOVED hearing about your dancing lessons, the photography and the pics are HOT, GORGEOUS & BRILLIANT!

Lisa Nichols was told throughout her childhood from teachers that she should never WRITE, that she should NEVER speak! And now look at her, she has appeared on Oprah, Larry King, is one of the feature teachers in The Secret!

NEVER let anyone tell you what you can or can't do! I am so grateful to see you are not listening to those voices of fear!

Keep shining your light, BRIGHT & Steady Girl, YOU ROCK!


Farhana said...

Aime, from the first time i read your blog i knew you were a writer... I just assumed you knew too. I mean when someone expresses as eloquently as you do and cares enough about exploration and truth to go the distance and talk about it, well, you just assume they know they are a talent without measure.

So when i got the intuitive hit that night to tell you that you were a writer, it came from some place greater than I. I already assumed you knew. Spirit wanted to make sure you knew loud and clear.

Keep offering your expression Aime, you have no clue how many are shifting because of you.

You have helped me deepen into a celebratory relationship with my own body...and deepen in many other heart felt ways.

I love you,

Aime said...

Thank you Lee! I'm looking forward to connecting with you more!

Thank you Farhana! I love you too!