Sunday, September 5, 2010

Get Radical Woman's Award 2011

I've been a fan of a page on facebook for a little over a year now called Get Radical Women's Conference. I saw the message on their fan page about nominations for the 2011 awards. I decided to nominate myself. Nominations are open to women in Canada as well as the USA. And self nominations are allowed as well. Find below my nomination essay that I just finished writing and submitting to the organization committee.

Yes I work a "9 - 5" job for Metis Calgary Family Services as a Community Animator for Aboriginal Parent Link. However, this is not my true passion in life.

That is why I started the company Awakening Goddess. I have figured out my purpose in life. It is to inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power!

I grew up like many girls having many self confidence issues, body issues, and self esteem issues. I was severely bullied by both the boys and girls in my grade school years from grades four to eight. And I am a survivor of an abusive relationship while in University

I as well like many women have dealt with my weight through out my adult life. However it was about 3 years ago when I hit my top clothing size 16/18. I didn't like myself, the way I looked or anything.

I came across the TV show The Biggest Loser and fell in love with the show. I cried along with the participants each week, and could relate to a lot of what they were saying. The trainers on the show were amazing, I love them both, although I am a fellow “Team Jillian” fan.

I decided it was time for me. I’m choosing to eat healthier, and live a more healthier life style. I’m not done my journey but I have so far gone from the size 16/18 to a size 11 (currently while writing this).

While choosing to live healthier, I also took that to look after my mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well. I’ve been doing personal growth seminars re learning who I really am, reclaiming my self power and worth. And learning to dream big.

I also stumbled upon an amazing fitness dance class called Burlesquercise. It’s called “sexy fitness” by my dance instructress. Sexify your soul my dance instructress says. To get into my body and move it, learning how to be sensual in my dancing has not been easy. I grew up classically ballet trained for 11 years. So when I first started my dance classes my instructress was showing us what to do, how to move and then touching our own bodies in a sensual way was very hard for me to do.

Now though I love it! Realizing that my purpose is to inspire women to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power through sacred body movement brings me such joy! I love seeing the women come to the one on one’s that I do, or mini lessons for a group of girl friends with the uncertainty of what is going to happen, to watch them bloom open to have fun and enjoy moving their bodies.

That’s why I feel I deserve the Radical Woman’s Award for 2011, it’s important I feel for women to be comfortable in their own skin, to fully be who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power! Thank you for considering me!

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