Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wisdom acquired

This quote came to my e-mail box this morning:

"When we freely use the wisdom acquired over the years to give thanks in all things, sorrows flee more quickly, joy is a daily guest, and growth is inevitable."
~ Sue Patton Thoele

It's an interesting one, I like it. Women are wise, and some don't realize how wise they actually are. If we women were to slow down and stop and be silent for a little while we would hear what our heart is really saying. I'm in a coffee cafe this morning, it's not silent, but I'm able to sit and listen to my heart.

I always give thanks for everything! I give thanks for the conversation I had this morning here in the cafe with a fellow patron of the cafe. I am thankful for so many things in my life! And I agree, that when we give thanks, and listen to our inner wisdom then magic can happen!

Growth/magic, lots of amazing things can happen when we use our inner wisdom, and give thanks! Also I'm finding myself being not as upset, or if I do, it leaves me more quickly.

We are all powerful beings, with lots of wisdom within us!

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