Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What makes you giggle?

I had a few giggles today at work, and was wondering what other women giggle at, or about?

A little fella (about 4.5yrs old) today at work, turned to me today out of the blue and said "Miss Aime, I have a big head!" I had to laugh. Kids make me laugh each day at work. There was another time when a child about the same age was playing in the "house keeping" section of the room, and he was pretending to be a chef. He had on dress up clothes for the chef, but he also had on huge safety goggles from our construction set. They were a royal blue in colour, he turned to me with a spatula in his hand and said to me in a worried/stern voice(but a smile too) "Miss Aime, don't you worry, I'll make your food." Again, I had to giggle, the look on his face, with the big goggles on was priceless!

When I'm dancing with our without a partner I giggle, it's so much fun. Okay I have to admit, sometimes frustrating and hard when learning new steps for the Burlesque shows that I do, but we all get through it with a giggle in the end and sometimes some wine too! We were practicing last night and there is a part at the start where we are in a circle with our hands on each others biceps and when we let go from the pose, I had a hand print on my shoulder from the Goddess beside me. Her feather boa's colour had rubbed off in her hands, that she left a black paw print on me! That was definitely a giggle!!! The picture above is of the Naughty but Nice Christmas Show for Burlesquercise. This is the Sizzle Girls posing for our start of the routine. It always makes me giggle when I think of that routine. It was so much fun to do. And the one coming for May 7th is even more fun!

I'll giggle at puppies or kittens playing, when kids say off the wall, funny things. I'll giggle when I think of happy memories, funny memories, lots of things really.

There's a difference between my nervous giggle, and my love filled/radiant/happy giggle. The nervous one comes out when I am nervous. I can remember being in high school going to ask my Dad for help with a math problem, and I started to giggle because I was nervous asking him for help.

What makes you giggle??

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Choosing to trust

Last night I was at a Social dance hosted by the company where I take my Burlesque dance lessons/practices at. I've been going to them for a few months now. It's a lot of fun getting to meet new people and do dances with men.

With the Burlesque dancing that I do, it's with other women, in a line or other poses. As well as it's single dancing, not with a couple. So on occasion I'll know how to do the steps of a Salsa for example, but have never danced with a guy.

At the social dance, there is a lesson before the dancing. This time around it was a West Coast Swing. It's a fun dance to do. At one point the guy teaching the lesson said that the women need to close their eyes and let the man guide you. I had to take a really big breathe and center myself. He wants me to close my eyes and trust this man who I just met 5 seconds ago to lead me in the steps of the dance. I kept saying to myself over and over again, "I'm choosing to trust this man." I did to the task, I closed my eyes and let him guide me in the dance steps. It was a weird feeling, to let him push/pull me back and forth in the steps. I had to relax and just go with the flow.

Another point during the evening I was dancing during the social dance with a guy and he was leading me in the dance because I didn't know it quite well. He was counting and talking through it. At one point I was in front of him and he was behind me, he had a hold of my hands. I had to relax enough, and trust him to lead me through what he had planned for me to do. Sometimes it was leading into a turn, or some other pattern of steps. Again, I chose to trust the man to lead me in the dance. To give that sense of control over to him. Which is a big thing for me to be able to do.

Choosing to trust the masculine can be scary for some. I know it's scary for me. The thoughts of I don't want to get hurt again, or I want to know what's going on at all times. Or the thought of I want to be in control of what's happening. To surrender to the masculine, and drop into my feminine can be scary, especially when I've just met someone.

So how often do you choose to trust?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Chocolate Madness!

Last night I was at my monthly gathering of Goddesses to practice 3rd stage ways of living. We were learning about the three different stages of love for the feminine. First stage, the needing wanting love, will take any kind of love even when it's hurtful love. Second stage, the independent love, I will love another, but I don't need his love, I won't let myself get hurt by my lover again. Third stage love, complete bliss and surrender into love, knowing that I am love its self, I will love my man, and surrender to him to open me deeper to God.

With this third stage love, being in bliss and surrender to love is a practice that can be a challenge at times for me. We used the metaphore of chocolate to help us practice. The task was, to feel the feelings that we get while eating a really good piece of chocolate, or any other delicies that were at the gathering. Some had just the amazing fruit, or cake, while others went full out and dipped everything they had in the chocolate fountain that our hostess had for us that evening.

It was chocolate madness! 10 beautiful women all eating chocolate, experiencing the bliss and the all over yummy feeling while eating the chocolate. We took turns feeding each other the wonderful delicies, and bodily acting out the pleasure we experienced while eating them. I wonder what the neighbours thought!!!

Next, we danced each in the middle of a circle, evoking more chocolate madness!! Each Goddess had a turn in the middle, we fed each other a morsel of sweet goodness felt it in our bodies, then danced it out in the middle of the circle. It was an amazing experience!

Now, what if while while washing the dishes, or taking your kids to school, or firing an employee you can experience that same chocolate madness bliss feeling?? It does take some practice! But try and put even just 2% more love into your every day activities and see what kind of responses you get!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where's your edge?

Now some women don't like a challenge, and some women do. I am one woman who doesn't always like a challenge, but is most of the time open and willing to accept a challenge. Those with a feminine core (like myself), will sometimes use the word invitation instead of challenge.

Where is your edge in life? What makes your heart go "no way" will I do that, but in some respects you may just to push yourself to give it a try and see how you feel after?

I've had that experience in life a few times. I'm thinking right now of the dance that I do in Burlesquercise. Sometimes our show pieces get a little 'naughty'. Meaning there might be some poses, or actions that are meant for adults over the age of 18. The show piece that the Sizzle Girls are working on, is going to have a bit of that type of performances in it. And that's one of my edges...being comfortable enough to dance very seductively with other women. And being seen doing it by others.

Although, I know I'll get through it, and dance the hell out of it. I'll feel so much better after doing the show. That I'll want to do more! It just takes breathing and being comfortable with my Sizzle Sisters around me.

This YouTube video below is of the Little Vegas Dance Company. They are the level 4's with in my Burlesque dance company that I dance with. This is their "Big Spender" show piece that they did that the Taboo Sex Show in Calgary in November of 2009. It is for adults only.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Life by what we give

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill.

I just saw this quote and it made me stop and think. Yes it's true, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Count on the simple things in life, for example I don't really need the big screen TV (when I see it in the stores), just a simple one will do. I've thought that I can be just as happy living in a tent with a sleeping bag in the middle of the forest, as living in a fancy house.

I am more happy when I can give love to others and volunteer/serve the community of Calgary, and others around me in the world. That is what this blog is about. It's about giving back. Now, this is not to say that I don't love my life right now, because right now, my life is going pretty good, but there's always room for more. Because I am worth more. I deserve it!

I love being of service to others. If I can be of service to the WarriorSage community and give my love of service to others, then I am living a great life. I've said that if I could make a living by volunteering/being of service then life would be amazing!

This blog of inspiring other women to live with and accept their own wisdom, beauty, and grace is part on how I am giving back. To have my life full and abundant by inspiring other women has me feeling that I am living a great life!

When the time comes that I will be offering a service of gifting the world with breakout workshops for women it will be so much fun. To gift the world with dance to be fully who they are and accept their own wisdom, beauty, and grace.

I'll be doing something that I love being profitable with it, and giving back and living a great life!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What if??

I am listening to some music right now that reminds me of a practice that I've done with the Goddesses of WarriorSage. After completing a heart opening practice with a partner Sister Goddess, we are encouraged to press love into her both physically and with our words.

Meaning we are to massage our partner and also gift her with our words of love, wishes, blessings. The way it is worded to us is "What if this is the last Sister you will see on this earth? What do you wish to tell her, what makes her beautiful? What does she need to hear from you to feel at peace?"

When we did this practice the last time, I was in charge of the sound system for the Women's Tent. I had the female "chief" of the room come over to me and give my shoulders a massage, she then whispered some wonderful words into my ears. It was great, I was able to receive her love. As well as still focus on the task at hand, managing the sound system!

How often do you tell someone you love what you really want to say to them? How often do you tell another that you love them? We may all die tomorrow with a huge rock from space hitting the earth! Have you lived your life the way you wish to?? Or spoken the way you have wanted to, to others around you. People you work with, your family, your children, even a complete stranger? With love and compassion? Love speak can be intense, it may be that you are yelling at a child to stop them from running into the street because you love them and don't want to see them get hit by a car. It also could be just a simple smile at a person on the street.

I wish to inspire women and encourage women around the world reading this blog to speak their truth, to love more, to not hold back. If you love someone, tell them! Because "What if??"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Breaking through

This past weekend was the workshop called Sex, Passion, and Enlightenment. I first took this course back in 2006. It was a powerful experience when I first took it. It was the first time in my adult life where I had a temper tantrum.

This past weekend I was there as a volunteer staff. I've staffed the Sex, Passion, and Enlightenment a few times now. I always learn something about myself or breakthrough another barrier.

I had two break throughs this weekend. The first one was during one night, the ladies were all dancing and the men were standing in pairs foccussing on their partner. I was enjoying myself dancing and having a good time. There was a man who caught my eye, and he caught mine. When this happened, I had a moment of wanting to close my heart and light to the world. But instead, I stopped, took a breath and opened my heart back up. What has happened in the past, is that I'll close my heart and stop dancing and shining my love light.

The second one came as well when dancing with the women, and the men were still standing in partners. I had one of my Goddess mentors/sisters/teachers come up behind me and put her arms around my stomach and danced very close to me. I didn't jump or flinch, or get out of the situation. I have a large personal space bubble around me, with both men and women.

The two pictures above is of my two Teachers/Mentors. They have helped me get through some tough times. These two Goddesses lead the Women's Tent at Sex, Passion, and Enlightenment.

I am proud of myself for letting go and relaxing around others this weekend. Even today, I took time and replenished myself and had a one hour massage. I deserve it, because I am worth it!

When have you had taken that 2% step to open your heart more?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Create Magic

How does one create magic? Am I dreaming big enough? What is it that I really want? Can I create magic every day, even something small?

I had a session with my amazing coach a last night and we (well I) talked about my purpose, what is my gift of love for the world. And how does that look in real time to be happy and create my own magic!

It was interesting, when I was thinking about my purpose and speaking about it, I was totally relaxed in my chair and can see myself doing/living my purpose. Creating my reality, is a thrilling thought. My next practice with it is to create the story of the experience. I think this will be a fun project.

My coach was guiding me and offering suggestions and questions for me to think about. She keeps me dreaming big, and being in my "corner" encouraging me and supporting in my goals.

Another thing that she sees in me that I have a gift of inspiring others. I can inspire women, men, children, 4 legged furry animals, and even a flower. Inspiring people/children yes I can see, I had to giggle, it is a stretch to inspire animals and flowers. At this moment, I'm not sure how that will work.

To have my own magic in each moment is a wonderful feeling. It can be as something as simple as wanting to see or hear a certain piece of music.

I see magic every day too. The kids that I work with make me laugh and are so imaginative. Kids can say the funniest things and come up with the most magical ideas.

Magic is all around us, we just have to stop and relax and be open to it.

Here is a video from YouTube all about creating magic, or personal power. It's a very neat video.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

To get out of negative thinking?

So tonight, I was at a workshop/seminar for work all about child suicide. Children as young as 6 planning out how to kill themselves and follow through with it successfully. It was a pretty heavy topic for 3.5hrs. Sort of left me feeling kind of negative and not to happy.

This time, I called a friend and we just talked about our day, and I told her what the seminar was about, but nothing further. I was able to distract my negative thoughts.

This got me do I get myself out of negative thinking patterns. Because when I sometimes think of negative things I can over think them and get really down on myself.

It can be to the point sometimes that I have to physically slap myself on the wrist to get out of it. That's the extreme side of getting out of the negative thoughts.

On the lighter side, I'll turn on some happy music and dance, I'll take a bath, sometimes I'll call a friend and talk to her.

With the always makes me happy to dance, and I may start out crunchy and not very happy, but when I'm finished dancing I'm much more at peace with the world around me and in a better place in my mind! This picture of me smiling says it all!

Sometimes I'll watch mini video's on YouTube about positive thoughts, or inspirational quotes.

All women go through negative thought patterns. But the less of them we have the better we can be. Although, have you ever tried to be in a negative thought pattern and still be able to shine your love light out to the world? Give it a try....squeeze your had in a tight fist and hold it for a few moments, now try and send love through that hand squeeze out to others. It's a good practice!

Here's a mini video that I like to watch to help lift my spirits when I'm in a negative space. It's from the website A Knock at the Door. Beautiful artwork, music, and a positive uplifting message! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What's your Heart Song?

Okay yes the phrase Heart Song I heard of first from the movie Happy Feet when the girl penguin was singing to the other penguin's in her class. It was cute and all, but truly, what is your heart singing? A friend of mine posted a video from you tube on his facebook page that got me thinking about it again.

What really makes your heart sing? What are some things that you do in life that you just love doing? And when you are doing what your heart loves, then how do you feel? I used to swim in high school and I feel like I'm one with the water when I swim. I just feel at home when in the water.

These days I feel at home when I'm dancing with my Burlesque Sisters. The passion and love that fills my heart when dancing is an amazing experience. It's my heart song to dance and fill the world with my radiant light through dance.

That's why I started this blog and the fan page on facebook, to connect to as many women around the world as I can to inspire them to find what they are passionate about and to do it. The world will be such a better place if the women of the world did something that makes their heart sing!

I have friends of mine who started a company called The Big O Day. It was on June 21 last year and the women in the company encouraged others to have a day of female pleasure. A few of my Goddess Sisters here in Calgary, AB got together and shared some yummy watermelon with each other, then we passed out the extra water melon to others at the mall we were at, we then went window shopping and had lots of fun trying on dresses and feeling the texture's of the materials. We then went out for tea and dessert at a local coffee shop. It was a wonderful day spend of pleasure.

Here's the trailer for the movie about finding your heart song. I encourage you and invite you to take a moment 5min even and connect with your heart, what is your heart song? And what can you do to take a step towards doing your heart song!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What is beauty?

I've had the thought today of what is beauty? With the day care that I work at, we had class pictures done. I had mine done that day as well. I did it on a whim, I had not done my make-up that day or had done my hair. When I got the proofs back I was pleasntly surprised. The pictures turned out pretty good. I did select one and will have to post it when it comes in.

Now I like wearing make-up and doing my hair, but it's not a "must do" each day. I know of some women who don't go out of the house with out some sort of make up on. And I know other women who never wear make up. Both women are beautiful!

I was reading an article about children (specifically girls) and beauty. It was amazing! And scary all at the same time, no not scary good, scary uspetting. The article said that 81% of girls at age 10 are worried about getting fat! I can say yes I've seen this to be true. I was at a McDonalds a few years ago and there were a couple of young girls maybe age 8 or 9 and they were asking the Mum to buy them a salad with a small fry. Are you kidding me! Young girls need to not worry about being fat or getting fat at all!

Also in this article ( girls at age 13 are using beauty products, and that girls age 11 - 14 are exposed to at least 500 advertisments for beauty products or body image products (Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers etc...)

It doesn't help that the reality TV show "America's Next Top Model" has girls who are super skinny on it. I've only seen one girl who would probably be considered a "plus" size model. It was pointed out one time on the show one season, she was I think a size 12! A size 12! Come on! The average size woman in Canada is a 11/12! I used to be a size 16 - 18, I'm choosing to live healthier and right now I'm a size 11! I'm proud of what I've done so far. I'm not done yet. I will get to a size 8. But I'm doing it my way, not crazy fast.

There's a great program by Dove Canada about body image and beauty for girls. Here's the mini movie from YouTube that they made! It's amazing the changes!

Remember that beauty is all around you in all the people you meet. Each one is beautiful! As women we don't have to be a size 2 to be beautiful!

Monday, March 1, 2010

We as women need to love more!!! I rewatched this mini video this evening, and was almost brought to tears. It's from a website called Simple Truth's. They have a good selection of inspirational mini movies to watch for free!

I am reminded by one section that says has a message about when things get hard, to let the light at my core being shine brightly for the world to see. Meaning to me, to keep going, to keep shining my light, my radiance for the world. Another message from the video is when I am tempted to hold back to remember that LOVE flows best when it can flow freely. When I'm tight and crunchy, my love doesn't flow freely at all. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and shut down from the world. But then the world can't feel my love light.

We all have love to give to the world. But when I am open and letting my love flow freely everything around me is flowing with love and freedom. This next video below is me speaking about living the way of the heart. Friends of mine are teaching this lesson. Here is my thoughts on how to live the way of the heart, how I do it in my daily life. My love can flow freely and it's a beautiful experience.

May you all be blessed!