Monday, March 1, 2010

We as women need to love more!!! I rewatched this mini video this evening, and was almost brought to tears. It's from a website called Simple Truth's. They have a good selection of inspirational mini movies to watch for free!

I am reminded by one section that says has a message about when things get hard, to let the light at my core being shine brightly for the world to see. Meaning to me, to keep going, to keep shining my light, my radiance for the world. Another message from the video is when I am tempted to hold back to remember that LOVE flows best when it can flow freely. When I'm tight and crunchy, my love doesn't flow freely at all. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and shut down from the world. But then the world can't feel my love light.

We all have love to give to the world. But when I am open and letting my love flow freely everything around me is flowing with love and freedom. This next video below is me speaking about living the way of the heart. Friends of mine are teaching this lesson. Here is my thoughts on how to live the way of the heart, how I do it in my daily life. My love can flow freely and it's a beautiful experience.

May you all be blessed!


Jacque Small said...

When I open my heart and walk through the world this way on a consistent basis it is amazing what wonderful experiences I have. It feels like I am blessed everyday.

I did some coaching work that has allowed me to resolve my Core Dynamics and take my crunchiness away. I am convinced this is what has helped me to fully open my heart on a regular basis and love others even when they are not being very lovable.


Aime said...

Thanks Jacque....wonderful message! And yes giving love first in all that we do is important, and a great practice for the feminine!