I am listening to some music right now that reminds me of a practice that I've done with the Goddesses of WarriorSage. After completing a heart opening practice with a partner Sister Goddess, we are encouraged to press love into her both physically and with our words.
Meaning we are to massage our partner and also gift her with our words of love, wishes, blessings. The way it is worded to us is "What if this is the last Sister you will see on this earth? What do you wish to tell her, what makes her beautiful? What does she need to hear from you to feel at peace?"
When we did this practice the last time, I was in charge of the sound system for the Women's Tent. I had the female "chief" of the room come over to me and give my shoulders a massage, she then whispered some wonderful words into my ears. It was great, I was able to receive her love. As well as still focus on the task at hand, managing the sound system!
How often do you tell someone you love what you really want to say to them? How often do you tell another that you love them? We may all die tomorrow with a huge rock from space hitting the earth! Have you lived your life the way you wish to?? Or spoken the way you have wanted to, to others around you. People you work with, your family, your children, even a complete stranger? With love and compassion? Love speak can be intense, it may be that you are yelling at a child to stop them from running into the street because you love them and don't want to see them get hit by a car. It also could be just a simple smile at a person on the street.
I wish to inspire women and encourage women around the world reading this blog to speak their truth, to love more, to not hold back. If you love someone, tell them! Because "What if??"
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