Friday, April 16, 2010

Small steps

The other day at my work I was with a student who has some behaviour challenges and learning difficulties. He sat with me and did a craft, that was multi step sequence craft. He had to colour, cut out squares, and then match numbers to glue them on in the right order.

With help, he sat through the entire project and completed it! I was so proud of him, and he was as well. We went to my director's office to show it off. She was proud of him as well. We rewarded him with a treat. As we were leaving the office, my director yelled down the hall at me "Celebrate the small steps!" I agreed yes.

I had to stop more and think about that often do we women, stop and celebrate the small steps?? I know I forget to do this. Some women have "big picture" all in their head and forget the small steps. I know of an amazing author named SARK, she talked about having micro mini steps. For example if someone were to clean their closet, the micro mini step could be to just take out the shoes out of the closet. Then celebrate it!

I've been choosing to eat healthier, I have had my days that are more challenging than others. But when I've eaten healthier I forget to do something to celebrate it. It can be something as simple as just dancing for a song on my I-Pod, or having a sensual bubble bath....

Also that goes along with this, is that if someone has a set back, they need to not beat themselves up about it. This is another thing that I have to make conscious choices to not do. To not beat myself up when I've had a challenging day.

So remember to celebrate the small steps! And don't beat yourself up when you've had a challenging day!

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