Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rest in the quiet....

For the next few days, I'm house sitting for friends of mine. I am going to enjoy my time at their place. One thing that will be interesting for me is that there is no television. I like to watch certain shows during the week. And I'm not going to be able to.

I'll be able to just BE. To rest in the quiet of my heart and read, or write. I do have my computer, so I'm not completely shut off from the media. It's interesting, a song is playing on my I-Pod called Be Here Now by Shimshai. It has some really neat words in the song. As I started writing this blog tonight, the song came on. It talks about just being in the moment. Doing what you want to do, in each moment. Just loving in each moment.

To be able to rest in the quiet of my thoughts, the quiet of my heart is a resting place. To really land and be here present with my thoughts is a powerful place to be. I can create all the magic I wish to.

How often do you sit in the quiet of your heart and just let yourself BE? I invite you to give it a try....take 30min on the weekend and just BE.....let yourself rest and relax in the quiet of your heart. Your true resting place.

Find below a video from You-Tube of the song Be Here Now. Listen to the words! The quality is not the greatest, but you can hear the song and get the feeling of it all. I do not own this video.

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