Our bodies are amazing units of energy on this planet. How often do you really take time and listen to it? Do you listen to it, when it's full of energy and you feel great like you could go on for ever? But then, how often do you listen to your body when it's not feeling 100%? When your body is feeling run down with low energy and a cold?
Right now, I'm feeling run down, have a sinus head cold, feeling tired and low energy. It's interesting because 50% of the time I'll ignore my body when it's getting sick and just keep pushing myself through the day. I've done that many times, I've ended up in the hospital because of it too. Had emergency surgery to remove a 13 inch in diameter cyst on my ovary.
And then the other 50% of the time, I'll stop and listen to my body and rest, sleep, and be gentle with my body. I am remembering to practice this art of listening to my body. To rest when it needs rest. There is so much that I do in a week sometimes that on a weekend I don't move from my comfy chair, and I stay in my p.j.'s all weekend.
Most women on the planet, give so much to others. That they forget to give to themselves. This also means giving yourself rest, and taking care of your own body. When was the last time you took a full day to yourself and rested in your p.j.'s all day? If you have a family I encourage you to tell your partner to take the kids away for the day/over night and you listen to your body and rest and take care of it. Maybe it's having a bubble bath with candle light in the evening, then the next day spending it in bed with a good book and tea!
That's also pleasure as well, taking time and indulging in pleasure. Or as my mentor says "Vitamin P". It would be fun to have a day full of just pleasure for the feminine!
What will you do the next time your body is telling you it's run down?
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