I had a few giggles today at work, and was wondering what other women giggle at, or about?
A little fella (about 4.5yrs old) today at work, turned to me today out of the blue and said "Miss Aime, I have a big head!" I had to laugh. Kids make me laugh each day at work. There was another time when a child about the same age was playing in the "house keeping" section of the room, and he was pretending to be a chef. He had on dress up clothes for the chef, but he also had on huge safety goggles from our construction set. They were a royal blue in colour, he turned to me with a spatula in his hand and said to me in a worried/stern voice(but a smile too) "Miss Aime, don't you worry, I'll make your food." Again, I had to giggle, the look on his face, with the big goggles on was priceless!
When I'm dancing with our without a partner I giggle, it's so much fun. Okay I have to admit, sometimes frustrating and hard when learning new steps for the Burlesque shows that I do, but we all get through it with a giggle in the end and sometimes some wine too! We were practicing last night and there is a part at the start where we are in a circle with our hands on each others biceps and when we let go from the pose, I had a hand print on my shoulder from the Goddess beside me. Her feather boa's colour had rubbed off in her hands, that she left a black paw print on me! That was definitely a giggle!!! The picture above is of the Naughty but Nice Christmas Show for Burlesquercise. This is the Sizzle Girls posing for our start of the routine. It always makes me giggle when I think of that routine. It was so much fun to do. And the one coming for May 7th is even more fun!
I'll giggle at puppies or kittens playing, when kids say off the wall, funny things. I'll giggle when I think of happy memories, funny memories, lots of things really.
There's a difference between my nervous giggle, and my love filled/radiant/happy giggle. The nervous one comes out when I am nervous. I can remember being in high school going to ask my Dad for help with a math problem, and I started to giggle because I was nervous asking him for help.
What makes you giggle??