Monday, March 21, 2011

4:30am!?!? POWER

Okay, so I awake at 4:30am this morning and can't seem to get back to I'd thought I would come and sit here at my computer and do a blog post.  Typing on feelings of what ever is coming up in the moment.

This past weekend I've done a lot of reflecting on what is, and what isn't.  The word power has been coming up lots.  Specifically the word self power.  I came to the realization a few days ago now, that this self power that I have is within me, and I'm afraid of it. 

I shouldn't be afraid of it though, I should embrace it and let it move in me and through me.  It's my gift to share with the world.  I can remember a few years ago now roughly summer of 2007, being in a workshop all about finding your personal power.  I was involved in one of the daily activities that was quite physical using martial arts as a metaphor for life.  One of the staff in the event came over to me from across the large room where we were doing some "bag" work with partners.  He said to me that he could feel my intensity/power from across the room and had to come over to see who it was.  He was so surprised that it was me.

Two quotes that I saw/heard this weekend are all about personal power.  One is from my dear Goddess Sister Lee from  She posted:  "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than  the risk it took to blossom. - Anats Nin"  And the other that I heard on the great movie The Secret "There's a power in me, that is greater than the world itself."

When I read the fist quote, I cried.  Some friends of mine have suggested that perhaps the reason for my health issues right now are because they are emotional.  That I'm holding onto something too tight.  I do feel myself blossoming open, to my full ME.  It's a scary/good feeling.  Really showing up to being me, to shining my light for the world.  I need to relax and and be open to all the possibilities.  Stand in my power and showing up to my own party.  For life is one big party.   Taking risks, asking for help even for me is a risk, reaching out to others and letting others in to help me is something I continue to work on daily!

I also am going to do things that help lower my stress in my life.  By being in the company of others, making in person connections with friends.  Dancing just for the sake of dancing around in my living room.  Also arranging once a month for an energy body treatment from another dear Goddess Sister Nadine.  She is an amazing Goddess who works her magic on my body with massage and reiki.

The second quote from the movie "The Secret" spoke to my heart again.  I watch the movie a few times a year, and every time I get something different out of it.  This time it was all about personal power.  I am feeling this power and grounding the energy all at the same time.

Find below a beautiful video/song by Jana Stanfield.  It's called If I Were Brave.  Two of my dear friends, Goddess Sisters are in this video.  They are brave!

I just shuffled my Goddess Oracle deck, and guess who flipped over?  Lilith!  She's the Goddess of Power!  Wow!  I love this Goddess, she was the first wife of Adam, and didn't want to eat the forbidden fruit to be controlled by Adam, so she fled. 

Find below a video slide show all about this amazing Goddess!

So in closing, I ask you Sister, will you stand in your own power?  Let others help you?  And be YOU!


Jason Steele said...

Feel your power beautiful dancer. Excellent posting , and thank you for putting in the I am brave video too. I really enjoyed it. So now you are starting to realize how powerful you are...what are you going to do with it? Does Aimee have a new mountain she has been afraid to climb that this power is prepping her for? Step up girl . . . It's your time now.

Aime said...

Thank you Jason,
My new mountain to climb is sharing my true life story in written form, being published in a book. Book is short stories all about over coming obsticals. As I posted a few months ago, was told by teachers/specalists in Elementary and High School that I'll never write well (grey areas in learning disabilities, reading/comprehension/grammer/writing)

It's a brave step for me to be doing! It's a scary good feeling!