Sunday, May 23, 2010

Girl Friends

When is the last time you thanked your girl friends? How often do you take the time to really thank them? I do thank mine lots, but I decided to create a mini video/slide show of pictures of my girl friends and myself. I didn't have pictures of all of them and myself, so those of you who are not in this video, I still love you all very much, I just don't have pictures of you and I together! We should fix that problem!

But women friends are all amazing. Some of them have seen me at my worst and been by my side through the tough times. And I really do thank them for it. As one of the quotes from the video says: It's the ones that you can call at 4am that count the most. And I've done that, I've called girl friends in the middle of the night sometimes to share great things, and other times it's been when I'm going through a rough spot and need support/assistance.

You can't go to your man with your problems, you go to your women friends. That is something I learned from one of my amazing teachers. Her man starts to try and help her, but then he will call up a few of her women friends and get them to come over and help her. Because he just doesn't know how to help her. And he wants her to be happy.

Thank you to all my women friends....I don't know what I wouldn't do with out you all! I love you!

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