What does that really mean though? To be alive and enjoy life? I want to encourage you to make a list of what you like to do, and then follow through on it! What makes you happy? As I've said here on this blog before, what makes your heart sing? Put those things on your list! You don't have to do everything on your list every day, but maybe pick one or maybe two things to do. It can be simple or elaborate as you wish. If having a cup of tea makes you happy and it's something you enjoy, then do it!
To enjoy life....what a wonderful idea! I love enjoying life! I'm doing something right now that I have been wanting to do, and have now done it three times, and hope to make this more of a regular theme in my life. To be sitting at a coffee cafe here in Calgary writing on my blog. I like the atmosphere, people watching, and the vanilla bean latte with a bagel has been wonderful.
I'm creating the perfect day for myself. First sitting here in the cafe, next I think I might go for a walk by the river. Later I'm going to a social dance, getting all dressed up and going out to have some fun! And I started out my weekend, last night by volunteering for St. John Ambulance. I love volunteering as well. To give something back to the city that I call home. The event that I was at, was the music of Billy Joel, performed by a cover band called Jeans N Classics, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra was there back up music. It was a great concert! Here is there blog! http://jeansnclassics.blogspot.com
To be fully awake and not on auto pilot is to do things that make you happy. It also may challenge you a bit, but I know that the universe doesn't put things in front of you that you can't handle. Trust me, I've had some curve balls thrown my way and I've always come out on the other side stronger and more awake then before.
For example if any of the women reading this blog and are in Calgary, wish to learn the art of Burlesque dancing, please I invite you to contact me. I wish to inspire you to be fully who you are and accept your own wisdom, beauty, and grace, through the art of Burlesque dancing. It will be filled with lots of laughter and ease.
See below three pictures that I had done while at the Brazilian Burlesque Gala on May 7th. These amazing photo's were taken by Impressive Photography. You can check out there website here! http://www.impressivephotography.com These pictures are the ones that I ordered. I will be doing another full photo shoot with them in a couple of months. I can't wait!

Thank you for this.truly.
Hello Daniel, you are welcome. What are you doing to live alive?
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