Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mystery and Illusion

This morning the two Goddess Oracle cards that flipped over in my hands were Nut and Maya.  Two interesting Goddesses.

First Maya, she is the Goddess of Illusion, my own illusion.  She talks about lifting the veils of the illusion.  It was interesting today I was working today at the day care.  I was working with the toddlers (1.5yr olds to almost 3 year olds).  They have no veils around them, I saw that today, they are just in awe of everything around them.  They really have no fear of anything.  It brought me to tears at one point.  They were just raw, fully present being them.

Started thinking of myself.  how often do I hide behind the illusion or the veils?  Not as often these days.  I pretty much show my emotion and express my emotion on my sleeve.  You will know when I'm upset, or happy.  It's taken a lot of tears, growth to remove the veils.  I show up as I am, I'm not as afraid any more.  I know I've lost friends because of it, and I may loose more who knows.  I have also noticed that I have been attracting to me some amazing connections with others who are willing to stand with me, see me, and accept me for who I am and how I show up in each moment.  The connections I've made over the past month has been amazing, I've been showing up. 

As I commented on a friend's status today, I do my best to show up as an Awakened Goddess living what the motto is of my business embracing and accepting my own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power. 

Here is the picture of Maya from the Goddess Oracle book by Amy Sophia M.  She is also seen as the maiden Goddess of the amazing triple Goddess Kali.  That is why she looks child like.

As I said the other to flip over this morning was Nut, the Goddess of Mystery.  Nut is the night sky, stretching over head.  She is the great Universe, the unknown.  She says to trust the mystery, the Universe.  I am really starting to do this, trusting the Universe and letting go of my wanting to know everything that is going on. 

As I have said before, once I relaxed a bit about not being able to dance with my teacher's company things started opening up for me.  I trusted the process and the mystery of the Universe.  I remain open to all the possibilities.

With these two Goddesses with me today, it was wonderful.  How often do you uncover the veils of you to bring the real you out?  And trust the Mystery all at the same time?  I bet lots!!

This is a mini video about Nut, the Goddess of the Mystery.  I found it on you-tube.

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