A blog devoted to inspire women to be fully who they are and embrace their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Death and Rebirth
This morning my card that flipped out for me was the wonderful Celtic Goddess Cerridwen. She is the Goddess of death and rebirth. She is speaking about your life as cycles, that some things are dying or becoming complete and other things are re birthing!
She talks about having each one of us in her cauldron spinning us around, cleaning and transforming us, then bringing us out of her cauldron re birthed and ready to go again!
Wow! So amazing! Cycles ending....not dancing with my teacher any more, and re birthing.....Awakening Goddess out in full for all to see! Pretty amazing!
I know when I put on the "costume" for a dance show, it in the beginning felt like just that, a costume. Now though, I see it as a part of me. I am that Goddess who can be sexy, sultry, and dance in a way that teases men in a sexual nature. I can bring out that dark energy Goddess when I choose too. And it's a pretty powerful thing!
Starting Awakening Goddess is like a re birthing for me, it's a breath of fresh air, and I am excited by it too!
Where in your life are there things finishing and then re birthing??
Find below a video from you-tube that I found. It's a chant to the Goddess Cerridwen and Hecate. I really like this video!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Mystery and Illusion
This morning the two Goddess Oracle cards that flipped over in my hands were Nut and Maya. Two interesting Goddesses.
First Maya, she is the Goddess of Illusion, my own illusion. She talks about lifting the veils of the illusion. It was interesting today I was working today at the day care. I was working with the toddlers (1.5yr olds to almost 3 year olds). They have no veils around them, I saw that today, they are just in awe of everything around them. They really have no fear of anything. It brought me to tears at one point. They were just raw, fully present being them.
Started thinking of myself. how often do I hide behind the illusion or the veils? Not as often these days. I pretty much show my emotion and express my emotion on my sleeve. You will know when I'm upset, or happy. It's taken a lot of tears, growth to remove the veils. I show up as I am, I'm not as afraid any more. I know I've lost friends because of it, and I may loose more who knows. I have also noticed that I have been attracting to me some amazing connections with others who are willing to stand with me, see me, and accept me for who I am and how I show up in each moment. The connections I've made over the past month has been amazing, I've been showing up.
As I commented on a friend's status today, I do my best to show up as an Awakened Goddess living what the motto is of my business embracing and accepting my own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power.
Here is the picture of Maya from the Goddess Oracle book by Amy Sophia M. She is also seen as the maiden Goddess of the amazing triple Goddess Kali. That is why she looks child like.
As I said the other to flip over this morning was Nut, the Goddess of Mystery. Nut is the night sky, stretching over head. She is the great Universe, the unknown. She says to trust the mystery, the Universe. I am really starting to do this, trusting the Universe and letting go of my wanting to know everything that is going on.
As I have said before, once I relaxed a bit about not being able to dance with my teacher's company things started opening up for me. I trusted the process and the mystery of the Universe. I remain open to all the possibilities.
With these two Goddesses with me today, it was wonderful. How often do you uncover the veils of you to bring the real you out? And trust the Mystery all at the same time? I bet lots!!
This is a mini video about Nut, the Goddess of the Mystery. I found it on you-tube.
First Maya, she is the Goddess of Illusion, my own illusion. She talks about lifting the veils of the illusion. It was interesting today I was working today at the day care. I was working with the toddlers (1.5yr olds to almost 3 year olds). They have no veils around them, I saw that today, they are just in awe of everything around them. They really have no fear of anything. It brought me to tears at one point. They were just raw, fully present being them.
Started thinking of myself. how often do I hide behind the illusion or the veils? Not as often these days. I pretty much show my emotion and express my emotion on my sleeve. You will know when I'm upset, or happy. It's taken a lot of tears, growth to remove the veils. I show up as I am, I'm not as afraid any more. I know I've lost friends because of it, and I may loose more who knows. I have also noticed that I have been attracting to me some amazing connections with others who are willing to stand with me, see me, and accept me for who I am and how I show up in each moment. The connections I've made over the past month has been amazing, I've been showing up.
As I commented on a friend's status today, I do my best to show up as an Awakened Goddess living what the motto is of my business embracing and accepting my own wisdom, beauty, grace, and power.
Here is the picture of Maya from the Goddess Oracle book by Amy Sophia M. She is also seen as the maiden Goddess of the amazing triple Goddess Kali. That is why she looks child like.
As I said the other to flip over this morning was Nut, the Goddess of Mystery. Nut is the night sky, stretching over head. She is the great Universe, the unknown. She says to trust the mystery, the Universe. I am really starting to do this, trusting the Universe and letting go of my wanting to know everything that is going on.
As I have said before, once I relaxed a bit about not being able to dance with my teacher's company things started opening up for me. I trusted the process and the mystery of the Universe. I remain open to all the possibilities.
With these two Goddesses with me today, it was wonderful. How often do you uncover the veils of you to bring the real you out? And trust the Mystery all at the same time? I bet lots!!
This is a mini video about Nut, the Goddess of the Mystery. I found it on you-tube.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
This morning, I pulled a Goddess card. I was shocked when I saw who flipped over in my hand. It was Sedna, she's an Inuit Goddess of the Oceans. She also represents "victim". This is why I was shocked when she flipped over.
I've been working crazy hard to drop all thoughts of "victim" mode. However the reason why she flipped over came true at work today.
I am working tomorrow at the day care. My old boss phoned to double check that I knew. I said yes, she was trying to hand up the phone when I asked on the time a 8hr day or a 9hr day? Normally I would have just said okay yes. Then later on in the day my now supervisor was asking on who was doing child care for different classes that we offer. I said I was. I sat with that for a moment, then sent a memo to my supervisor. I stood up for myself and spoke my truth. I told her that I for the rest of the year will not be able to work 2 nights per month late in any situation. I don't have kids who have commitments, this is for me, my commitments to myself and growing Awakening Goddess. Making connections with other amazing people.
It felt so good stepping into my self power and speaking my truth at work.
Find below a video I found on You-Tube about the Goddess Sedna.
When was the last time you spoke your truth in a difficult situation, where normally you wouldn't have? Step out of victim and into power! I am powerful! You are powerful!
I've been working crazy hard to drop all thoughts of "victim" mode. However the reason why she flipped over came true at work today.
I am working tomorrow at the day care. My old boss phoned to double check that I knew. I said yes, she was trying to hand up the phone when I asked on the time a 8hr day or a 9hr day? Normally I would have just said okay yes. Then later on in the day my now supervisor was asking on who was doing child care for different classes that we offer. I said I was. I sat with that for a moment, then sent a memo to my supervisor. I stood up for myself and spoke my truth. I told her that I for the rest of the year will not be able to work 2 nights per month late in any situation. I don't have kids who have commitments, this is for me, my commitments to myself and growing Awakening Goddess. Making connections with other amazing people.
It felt so good stepping into my self power and speaking my truth at work.
Find below a video I found on You-Tube about the Goddess Sedna.
When was the last time you spoke your truth in a difficult situation, where normally you wouldn't have? Step out of victim and into power! I am powerful! You are powerful!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Are you Awake?
Have you met the Goddess Pele?? She's an amazing Fire Goddess from Hawaii. She came to me today in my oracle deck. I didn't even pick a card, I just opened the companion book and there she was staring up at me with her arms stretched over her head with a bursting volcano behind her. The picture above is the same picture I have in my Goddess Oracle.
As the picture says "Pele, Awakening", are you awakened? Are you living your passion? When was the first time you felt awakened?
My first experience of feeling awakened was when I was attending a course on relationships. I dealt with a lot of inner crap, and started removing the layers or masks to reveal the true me. I started to be able to trust men again.
Years went by and I was able to grow my inner light, and step out into who I am, knowing who I am . Finally last year really listening to my heart and accepting my passion/purpose for the world. I feel awake when living my purpose. I can feel the glow inside of me just growing bigger and bigger.
I find it interesting as well I just had an "ah ha" moment....the name of my business is Awakening Goddess. Pele is the Goddess of Awakening! I feel that is why she came to me tonight, to remind me of my purpose. To keep awakening other women to all that they can be. As well as to remind myself! To keep living as an awakened Goddess. To keep that fire within me moving, and flowing. I am an awakened Goddess!
In closing of this post tonight, I wish to share two things fiest, the poem that comes with the Pele Goddess Oracle card from my book. The Goddess Oracle, A. Marashinsky, pg. 138, 139.
I surge I pulse I throb
I am never still
I am perpetual vibration
a rhythmic beat
the constant hum that you hear
I am always moving
way down in the deeps
with fiery vitality
in places you can only feel
When necessary
with dramatic, fierce, volcanic eruptions
I wake you up
With lava and fire
I say "pay attention"
Also a video movie I found on you-tube. It's a chant and art work for the Goddess Pele. In the video are words that are also describing Pele. Another area she represents according to the author of the video is she is the Goddess of the Dance! Awesome! I didn't know she was the Goddess of Dance as well! Let your Goddess out! It's time to dance and live life!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
putting self out there
Yesterday afternoon, I had a wonderful phone chat with a beautiful Goddess Sister. We talked about many things, I wanted to share this one topic more. We talked about putting self out there, really letting our lights shine and be seen.
We both agree that it's scary to really put ourselves out there. To speak my truth, I've been put down so many times for shining my light, or putting myself out there. Every time though, I dust myself off and get back up. Yes I may get up slowly and lean on others for support, but do it. I eventually stand on my own. I don't need fixing, I'm not broken.
Here's a quote from a brilliant Goddess who I am so honoured to know. "A brilliant woman knows she will have raving fans and may also have harsh critics. Remember, if people spread negative gossip about you it means they are only afraid of your light. :) Keep shining!"
As it says, for the amazing number of raving fans one may have, she may also have harsh critics as well. It's those critics that are actually afraid of you. This is a good thing to remember. The critics may be really good friends perhaps. It's good to keep in a circle of friends who believe in you and support your dreams/goals. Yes they may give you a dose of reality from time to time, but they do it from a place of love. I've come into a new circle of amazing, brilliant, and loving Goddesses. They do just what I said above, support your dreams/goals, believe in you, and also give a dose of reality from a place of love.
It makes me think, growing up I was severely bullied from grades 4 till 8 on a daily basis. For many reasons, take your pick, for being in Girl Guides, for still using my imagination and dreaming, for the way I look, that I did ballet, the list could go on and on! Maybe, just maybe all those in grade school who teased me did it because they were afraid of my light even then. We didn't know the words to describe it in grade 4, perhaps though that was what they were really thinking.
Yes I danced ballet for 11 years! And was a member of Girl Guides up until about 10 years ago actually. It was fun to "make-believe" then, and it is now. When was the last time you played with play-dough or a pretend cooking set?? I did today! I am remembering to let myself dream big.
So I'll continue to put myself out there, yes there may be critics that will put me down, or tell me to dim my light. However, I bow to them with love say thank you and keep going.
How will you today put yourself out there??
Find below a couple of pictures of me when I was younger (much younger!)
We both agree that it's scary to really put ourselves out there. To speak my truth, I've been put down so many times for shining my light, or putting myself out there. Every time though, I dust myself off and get back up. Yes I may get up slowly and lean on others for support, but do it. I eventually stand on my own. I don't need fixing, I'm not broken.
Here's a quote from a brilliant Goddess who I am so honoured to know. "A brilliant woman knows she will have raving fans and may also have harsh critics. Remember, if people spread negative gossip about you it means they are only afraid of your light. :) Keep shining!"
As it says, for the amazing number of raving fans one may have, she may also have harsh critics as well. It's those critics that are actually afraid of you. This is a good thing to remember. The critics may be really good friends perhaps. It's good to keep in a circle of friends who believe in you and support your dreams/goals. Yes they may give you a dose of reality from time to time, but they do it from a place of love. I've come into a new circle of amazing, brilliant, and loving Goddesses. They do just what I said above, support your dreams/goals, believe in you, and also give a dose of reality from a place of love.
It makes me think, growing up I was severely bullied from grades 4 till 8 on a daily basis. For many reasons, take your pick, for being in Girl Guides, for still using my imagination and dreaming, for the way I look, that I did ballet, the list could go on and on! Maybe, just maybe all those in grade school who teased me did it because they were afraid of my light even then. We didn't know the words to describe it in grade 4, perhaps though that was what they were really thinking.
Yes I danced ballet for 11 years! And was a member of Girl Guides up until about 10 years ago actually. It was fun to "make-believe" then, and it is now. When was the last time you played with play-dough or a pretend cooking set?? I did today! I am remembering to let myself dream big.
So I'll continue to put myself out there, yes there may be critics that will put me down, or tell me to dim my light. However, I bow to them with love say thank you and keep going.
How will you today put yourself out there??
Find below a couple of pictures of me when I was younger (much younger!)
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My Sister (the shorter one) and I at Camp Adelaide, the Girl Guide Camp we went to every summer! |
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My best friend growing up! I'm on the left! We met in ballet class when we were 3 and are still friends today! |
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