How often do you listen to the little voice with in your head? Now there is a difference, sometimes the voice is negative and harmful to you. I like to call it my Itty Bitty S#%&y Committee. The negative talk that sometimes can be very loud. What I've been learning from a beautiful friend of mine is to ask this negative self talker inside my head to trust me.
Trust is a big word for me, it came up a week ago when working with my massage therapist/reiki master. She was down at my feet and said to me the word "trust". A bunch of emotions came up. Trusting others to help me, trusting myself, and trusting the Universe. All those three areas I'm still working on. I'm not perfect, I'm me, which is perfect in my heart. I know I got stuff to work on, we all do!
Tonight I was watching the movie via you-tube of "The Shift" it has Wayne Dyrer in it as the main character. It's a pretty neat movie. Lots of great messages in it. The one that stuck with me this time is "Don't die with your song still inside you." Now, that's a different voice, it's the voice in your heart. I took it as what is your heart song? We all have one in us. Maybe it's painting, speaking, gardening, dancing. Take a moment and listen in silence to your heart. What is it really trying to tell you?
Mine is dance, and being of service to others. As I wrote about it in my short story, being told by my Mum that I don't look like a dancer any more to stop dancing broke my heart. I completely stopped dancing. To the point when in high school at dances friends had to show me how to dance. I slowly started to dance again. Till now in this present time I dance at least once a day. Even around in my living room to a piece of music.
This past week, I've also had wonderful opportunities to meet with friends for tea and have amazing conversations. Making brilliant connections with others, creating and dreaming big with them. One friend and I are planning a women's weekend in the mountains in a couple of months. Working on the mind, body, and spirit of being a woman, in all aspects. Both the spiritual side and sensual side. It was so much fun to create with her, and then come home and create two different "play lists" on my I-Pod to use for the weekend.
Another friend has asked me to assist her with volunteer things for an event/workshop she is having in the fall. It's going to be so much fun working with her!
I am listening to the song in my heart and acting on them. Will you stop Sister and listen?
I leave you with this beautiful mini movie from you-tube all about dancing. I love the quotes in this. Enjoy!
Awakening Goddess
A blog devoted to inspire women to be fully who they are and embrace their own wisdom, beauty, grace and power.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Simple Things
Goddesses of the North (green candle), East (yellow candle), South (red candle), West (blue candle) and the Great Mother (purple candle in the middle) watch over all of us. |
When was the last time you got to spend just enjoying the simple things in life? Perhaps you have children, and snuggling with them at bedtime is a simple pleasure. Maybe spending time out in nature is a simple pleasure. Or even taking a breath of fresh air is a simple pleasure.
Did you know that some people who are incarcerated in jails don't even get that? Yes, they get 1hr a day outside of their cell in the "yard", sometimes that "yard" is enclosed, no fresh air at all.
Simple things can be so small that some may not even see them as simple pleasures. The ability to see, feel, touch, taste, and hear. I am reminded of many who I know who have lost one of their main five senses in life. People on the earth are amazing beings, if we lose one of our five senses something else picks up the spot and glows more. I know for me, even though yes I wear glasses, my hearing has picked up from where my sight is low.
Even being alive is a simple pleasure that some may over look! I know today there are celebrations of death and life! Marriage and yes even divorce/separation! I am blessed and grateful to be alive today! Are you?
There are many others in the world who do not have a roof over their head to call home. I am reminded of this today as the Great Mother decided to spring on us a snow storm. I am here at home in my apartment with my cup of tea writing, while outside there are many who do not have a warm dry place to stay.
It's also like looking at things you are grateful for. They can be the smallest little things. Have you made your list of what you are grateful for?
Take pleasure in the simple things. For really everything in life is a simple thing, it's all just stuff!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Today I pulled the Goddess Oshun from my oracle deck. She's a beautiful Goddess from the African culture. She's all about sensuality.
What does that mean?? Being sensual? To me it's a way that I feel. I can feel sensual when I hear a beautiful piece of music and start moving my body. Or it can be walking down town with a sexy pair of underwear/bra on underneath my "business" clothes.
A treat I did for me tonight was have my hair cut/styled by Natasja! I have been growing my hair out, and haven't had it cut since July. It was a wonderful experience. I feel so amazing, my hair is so "flippy" (I promise it's a stylist's term). She told me exactly what she was going to do, before she did anything.
When we were done, I felt amazing, sensual, foxy, and powerful. Yes! You can be all those things and many more in one moment! Our power as women comes from our core, from our place of our sensual essence. Which is our reproductive region, or orange chakra for those of you who study Reiki. Breathe into that sensual essence! And celebrate it!
Being in Natasja's chair reminded me of all those things. That I am a sensual being. And so are you! I invite you to put on a wonderful piece of music perhaps something without words, and move your body to the beat. Don't think about what you are doing, just move your body!
I've been listening to some 'favourite' songs on you-tube find below one I forgot about. This song has powerful words!
Be your sensual Goddess self! You deserve it! Because you are worth it!
What does that mean?? Being sensual? To me it's a way that I feel. I can feel sensual when I hear a beautiful piece of music and start moving my body. Or it can be walking down town with a sexy pair of underwear/bra on underneath my "business" clothes.
A treat I did for me tonight was have my hair cut/styled by Natasja! I have been growing my hair out, and haven't had it cut since July. It was a wonderful experience. I feel so amazing, my hair is so "flippy" (I promise it's a stylist's term). She told me exactly what she was going to do, before she did anything.
When we were done, I felt amazing, sensual, foxy, and powerful. Yes! You can be all those things and many more in one moment! Our power as women comes from our core, from our place of our sensual essence. Which is our reproductive region, or orange chakra for those of you who study Reiki. Breathe into that sensual essence! And celebrate it!
Being in Natasja's chair reminded me of all those things. That I am a sensual being. And so are you! I invite you to put on a wonderful piece of music perhaps something without words, and move your body to the beat. Don't think about what you are doing, just move your body!
I've been listening to some 'favourite' songs on you-tube find below one I forgot about. This song has powerful words!
Be your sensual Goddess self! You deserve it! Because you are worth it!
Monday, March 21, 2011
4:30am!?!? POWER
Okay, so I awake at 4:30am this morning and can't seem to get back to I'd thought I would come and sit here at my computer and do a blog post. Typing on feelings of what ever is coming up in the moment.
This past weekend I've done a lot of reflecting on what is, and what isn't. The word power has been coming up lots. Specifically the word self power. I came to the realization a few days ago now, that this self power that I have is within me, and I'm afraid of it.
I shouldn't be afraid of it though, I should embrace it and let it move in me and through me. It's my gift to share with the world. I can remember a few years ago now roughly summer of 2007, being in a workshop all about finding your personal power. I was involved in one of the daily activities that was quite physical using martial arts as a metaphor for life. One of the staff in the event came over to me from across the large room where we were doing some "bag" work with partners. He said to me that he could feel my intensity/power from across the room and had to come over to see who it was. He was so surprised that it was me.
Two quotes that I saw/heard this weekend are all about personal power. One is from my dear Goddess Sister Lee from She posted: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. - Anats Nin" And the other that I heard on the great movie The Secret "There's a power in me, that is greater than the world itself."
When I read the fist quote, I cried. Some friends of mine have suggested that perhaps the reason for my health issues right now are because they are emotional. That I'm holding onto something too tight. I do feel myself blossoming open, to my full ME. It's a scary/good feeling. Really showing up to being me, to shining my light for the world. I need to relax and and be open to all the possibilities. Stand in my power and showing up to my own party. For life is one big party. Taking risks, asking for help even for me is a risk, reaching out to others and letting others in to help me is something I continue to work on daily!
I also am going to do things that help lower my stress in my life. By being in the company of others, making in person connections with friends. Dancing just for the sake of dancing around in my living room. Also arranging once a month for an energy body treatment from another dear Goddess Sister Nadine. She is an amazing Goddess who works her magic on my body with massage and reiki.
The second quote from the movie "The Secret" spoke to my heart again. I watch the movie a few times a year, and every time I get something different out of it. This time it was all about personal power. I am feeling this power and grounding the energy all at the same time.
Find below a beautiful video/song by Jana Stanfield. It's called If I Were Brave. Two of my dear friends, Goddess Sisters are in this video. They are brave!
I just shuffled my Goddess Oracle deck, and guess who flipped over? Lilith! She's the Goddess of Power! Wow! I love this Goddess, she was the first wife of Adam, and didn't want to eat the forbidden fruit to be controlled by Adam, so she fled.
Find below a video slide show all about this amazing Goddess!
So in closing, I ask you Sister, will you stand in your own power? Let others help you? And be YOU!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
powerful experience
It's almost 1:40am on Sunday the spring equinox is here. I saw a peak of the moon for a few seconds before she went back behind the clouds as it is snowing here tonight in Calgary. I had left my computer to go to bed. When I got to my room, I all of a sudden instead of getting into my bed, sat down at the desk and wrote out a list of words. Those words you will find below in this message that flowed out of my fingers so easily onto the paper. This tip I learnt from a dear friend of mine while attending her workshop a couple of weeks ago about building authentic relationships.
In my life there are many things that I know I have control over. To realize that I have a power within me that is bigger than the Universe its self is a pretty thrilling experience. I have big dreams that are grand and make me laugh and buzz with energy when I think about them.
To dance through my life loving everything about my life right now in this moment is a beautiful thing. Letting spirit be my guide right now to trust that everything will work out perfectly. I have the burning passion to inspire others around me. My goal is to awaken every woman on the planet to see that they are a Goddess!
Beauty comes in so many forms. Beauty comes from within. I am beautiful, my large breasts, wide hips and full belly. I am wise, I have so much to share in this world. I will always tell a child they are wise, wonderful and smart. For they are our future.
Abundance is everywhere. We just have to look. Some of the happiest people on the planet live in a shack with no running water or a bed to call their own. Yet they create magic every day for themselves. I create magic in the way I move my body, my dance takes me everywhere I can imagine. On the wings of the divine I can fly as high as I want. There is no limit on how high I can soar!
With the music playing right to my heart where I can feel it deep in my soul there are no boundaries. The world is my oyster I have the power to create it.
Outrageous joy is how I am feeling in this moment. There are always guardian angels surrounding me and showing me the way to love. Outside the moon is full and abundant with bright energy that also reminds me that I'm not alone.
In my life there are many things that I know I have control over. To realize that I have a power within me that is bigger than the Universe its self is a pretty thrilling experience. I have big dreams that are grand and make me laugh and buzz with energy when I think about them.
To dance through my life loving everything about my life right now in this moment is a beautiful thing. Letting spirit be my guide right now to trust that everything will work out perfectly. I have the burning passion to inspire others around me. My goal is to awaken every woman on the planet to see that they are a Goddess!
Beauty comes in so many forms. Beauty comes from within. I am beautiful, my large breasts, wide hips and full belly. I am wise, I have so much to share in this world. I will always tell a child they are wise, wonderful and smart. For they are our future.
Abundance is everywhere. We just have to look. Some of the happiest people on the planet live in a shack with no running water or a bed to call their own. Yet they create magic every day for themselves. I create magic in the way I move my body, my dance takes me everywhere I can imagine. On the wings of the divine I can fly as high as I want. There is no limit on how high I can soar!
With the music playing right to my heart where I can feel it deep in my soul there are no boundaries. The world is my oyster I have the power to create it.
Outrageous joy is how I am feeling in this moment. There are always guardian angels surrounding me and showing me the way to love. Outside the moon is full and abundant with bright energy that also reminds me that I'm not alone.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Moon energy
Well, here we are at another Saturday! What another crazy week I had! Must be all the fun moon energy that is abundant right now!
On Monday I was actually sick home from work. I had done some de-cluttering the night before, about an hour after, I was hit down with a fever, that carried over to Monday.
Friends of mine said it might have been from all the energy that I moved. I threw out a ton of stuff, and also have donated things, put things out for "free take me" as well. Everything I put outside were things weren't serving me any more.
On Wednesday evening after work, I had a beautiful connection with a brilliant Goddess. We visited, talked about a ton of stuff till when I said I should probably go home this Goddess looked at me and said "yes, and don't look at the clock!" It was 2am! Wow! What an amazing time of connection we had. I gifted her with a CD that I had made of inspirational music/songs.
Thursday after my "9 - 5" job was an evening that I don't think I'll forget for a long while. I was at the E-WomenNetwork Calgary dinner event. Wow! An amazing evening of huge heart connections with some Goddesses that I have come to know, love, and trust. As well as one lone Warrior, in the group. He was our presenter for the night. Darren spoke about cash flow, dreams, and many other amazing and wonderful things. Darren and I actually know each other, we met at a seminar a few years ago. It was wonderful to see him again.
I must say though, that the most amazing, loving connection happened after dinner and Darren speaking. An outstanding Sister Goddess who I treasure like a big sister, physically connected with me. She had one hand at my heart, and the other at my belly. What happened next is almost impossible to describe. We were both hit with an energy buzz that was HUGE! My heart was bursting with heat/energy, and my belly felt like it was on fire. We stayed that way for a long time, not sure how much time passed. I was crying, and doing my best to stay grounded. It was so magical. What we spoke about I'm not going to share, it was between her and I.
The moon is so full tonight, can't see it though due to the cloud coverage in the city. I think one of the reasons why my Sister Goddess and I had such a strong connection was due to the fact that the moon's energy is very powerful right now.
The moon has lots of energy and power. Do you ever tap into your own power? Your own strength? I know it's something I continually work on each day. Some days its easier than others. Let's do this together Goddess....we are powerful. Let's create magic!
Have you felt the power of the moon? Have you felt the power of you?
On Monday I was actually sick home from work. I had done some de-cluttering the night before, about an hour after, I was hit down with a fever, that carried over to Monday.
Friends of mine said it might have been from all the energy that I moved. I threw out a ton of stuff, and also have donated things, put things out for "free take me" as well. Everything I put outside were things weren't serving me any more.
On Wednesday evening after work, I had a beautiful connection with a brilliant Goddess. We visited, talked about a ton of stuff till when I said I should probably go home this Goddess looked at me and said "yes, and don't look at the clock!" It was 2am! Wow! What an amazing time of connection we had. I gifted her with a CD that I had made of inspirational music/songs.
Thursday after my "9 - 5" job was an evening that I don't think I'll forget for a long while. I was at the E-WomenNetwork Calgary dinner event. Wow! An amazing evening of huge heart connections with some Goddesses that I have come to know, love, and trust. As well as one lone Warrior, in the group. He was our presenter for the night. Darren spoke about cash flow, dreams, and many other amazing and wonderful things. Darren and I actually know each other, we met at a seminar a few years ago. It was wonderful to see him again.
I must say though, that the most amazing, loving connection happened after dinner and Darren speaking. An outstanding Sister Goddess who I treasure like a big sister, physically connected with me. She had one hand at my heart, and the other at my belly. What happened next is almost impossible to describe. We were both hit with an energy buzz that was HUGE! My heart was bursting with heat/energy, and my belly felt like it was on fire. We stayed that way for a long time, not sure how much time passed. I was crying, and doing my best to stay grounded. It was so magical. What we spoke about I'm not going to share, it was between her and I.
The moon is so full tonight, can't see it though due to the cloud coverage in the city. I think one of the reasons why my Sister Goddess and I had such a strong connection was due to the fact that the moon's energy is very powerful right now.
The moon has lots of energy and power. Do you ever tap into your own power? Your own strength? I know it's something I continually work on each day. Some days its easier than others. Let's do this together Goddess....we are powerful. Let's create magic!
Have you felt the power of the moon? Have you felt the power of you?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Selfhood and Compassion
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Artemis Goddess of Selfhood |
This morning during a week day, I sit at a coffee shop getting an opportunity to do some blogging. I wish I could do this every morning, get up on my own time, head to a local coffee shop get a tea and do some blogging each morning.
There has been so much going on in the world. With the Great Mother being uneasy in the region of Japan being the latest unrest of the Great Mother. I turned to my Goddess Oracle deck this morning for some comfort in what can I do. Here's who flipped over in my pile today. Artemis and Kuan Yin. Interesting, very interesting. Artemis has always been a favourite Goddess of mine, she's all about being free, living her passion(s), caring for the animals and forests. First let me reflect more on Artemis......
In Amy Sophia M's book on page 26 from The Goddess Oracle is a poem:
I am who I am
and I know who I am
I can take care of myself
under all circumstances
and I can let others care for me
I can choose
There is no authority
higher than my own
my powers of discernment are finely honed
I am autonomous
I am free from the influence
of other's opinions
I am able to separate
that which needs separation
so a clear decision
can be reached
I think for myself
I set my sights
and aim my bow
my arrows always find their mark.
It's interesting, selfhood, Artemis also speaks to me about giving time to me. Asking me if I've been giving so much to others that I forget about myself. Which is true. I believe that part of the reason for me getting ill on Sunday/Monday is that I have been giving so much to others, that I forgot about myself. Yesterday I slept almost the entire day away.
She also speaks to me about her arrow, and firing arrows to dreams. I wrote about this already, it's huge though, I saw the power of love and dreams coming true for a friend of mine. She didn't give up, and neither did we, making this wish/dream come true for a friend of a friend. To live my passion, my dream for the world I know I'm doing the right thing. My friend Lee wrote on her facebook status page this morning about what is your wish? I was unable to answer her when I first saw her message.
Now though, I'm starting to dream big again. One dream of mine is to travel to all 3 points of this beautiful country of mine. I'm close, I've been to Vancouver (need to get to Victoria, and Tofino), Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia (need to get to St. John's NFLD), the one up north is the tricky one I wish to get to Tuk-tu-uk-tuk in the N.W.T.
Another to travel to the Goddess Sacred sites of England and Ireland, to where the Lady of the Lake once lived. To visit where the fairy's live, and dance in the magic of it all!
Other dreams I have are to meet specific people in person Sierra Bender (an awesome Goddess who wrote a book called Goddess To The Core), Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Jillian Michaels.
I have business goals/dreams to for Awakening Goddess as well. To have more days like today, to sit in a coffee shop and blog, write, connect via social media with others. To be able to have enough income from Awakening Goddess to have my 2 bedroom apartment to myself again, to be able to cut down my 9 - 5 job and work part time 3 days a week no evenings. To be in front of large groups of women sharing my story, inspiring other women that they do have power, they are sensual.
It's funny as I sit here just finishing writing this paragraph, I'm buzzing with energy, almost on the verge of tears. All these dreams will come true, I believe it is so!
What are your big dreams? Let your imagination go, and dream big!
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Kuan Yin, Goddess of Compassion |
Kuan Yin....similar to Artemis in a way is all about compassion. Reminding me to have compassion for self, is what I am taking away from this reading. I have plenty of compassion for other giving so much to others, that I forget to give to myself, to show compassion to myself.
Kuan Yin is a powerful Goddess from the East, she is seen as the "Mother Mary" in the catholic traditions from the West. Many call to her for compassion for the world. And frankly I think it's needed right now, with the unrest of the Great Mother in Kuan Yin's home land.
The Great Mother is shaking things up, she wants us to wake up! She wants us to show up and live.
Will you do that Sister? Will you wake up with me, and show up to live?!?
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