Welcome all! This blog theme is all about inspiration. To inspire women around the world to acknowledge their own wisdom, beauty, and grace. We as women need to take a moment and celebrate our own wisdom, beauty, and grace.
As for myself, I continue to work on these topics as well, I wanted to share my journey with the world to follow.
I am inspired by many things around me. I am inspired by the young people that I work with. The children of the day care continue to surprise me. Sometimes I just sit in awe watching the children play and be so imaginative! The things they create and come up with. There was one day that a child was playing in the "house keeping" area, he said to me that he's my chef and he would cook me a meal. I had to stifel my laughter, because he was wearing big blue goggles that are actualy apart of the construction play set and a little vest that is from the dress up area that the kids use for being a chef. He was so proud of his "work" that he didn't care what he looked like.
This reminds me that when I am doing something that I am passionate about, it doesn't matter how I look. As long as I put my heart and soul into that which I am doing, life is all good. I could be so emotional in what I am doing, but it shows my passion, determination and drive for what I believe is good.
So what are you passionate about? What do you do that you don't care how you look?
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